University of Texas at Austin


Holding institution Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin
Call number 12391.
Author Valladares y Saavedra, Ramón de
Added Author Sánchez Garay, Laureano, 1824-1903
Title and statement of responsibility El beneficiado, o Republica teatral : apropósito dramático en cuatro actos, parecido á una comedia francesa en cinco / plagiado por dos de nuestros segundos escritores, D. Ramon de Valladares y Saavedra, y D. Laureano Sanchez Garay ; representado con aplauso en el Teatro del Instituto, el dia 24 de diciembre de 1851.

Chief title Beneficiado.

Other title Republica teatral.

Imprint Madrid : Imprenta de Vicente de Lalama, calle del Duque de Alba, n. 13, 1852.

Place of publication Madrid
Publisher Lalama, V. de (Vicente), 19th cent.
Printer Lalama, V. de (Vicente), 19th cent.
Date 1 1852
Series Biblioteca dramática
Pages 16 p.
Illustrations No
Dimensions 27 cm.
Translation No
Series statement from p. [1].

Cast list: p. [1].

Local note
Stamp: 13 May 1931 Molina.

Additional front wrapper of plain paper with title and "1er Apte." inscribed on front cover.

Prompt copy.

Annotated copy Yes
Music No