University of Texas at Austin


Holding institution Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin
Call number 2739.
Author García González, Manuel
Added Author Lalama, V. de (Vicente), 19th cent.
Title and statement of responsibility Ben-leil, ó, El hijo de la noche : drama de espectáculo en siete cuadros / arreglo de los señores D. Manuel García González y D. Vicente de Lalama ; representado con éxito en los teatros de Madrid y Provincias ; refundido nuevamente y puesto en escena en el Teatro de Novedades el 12 de abril de 1884.

Chief title Ben-leil.

Other title Hijo de la noche.

Imprint Madrid : Establecimiento tipográfico de M.P. Montoya y Compañía, Caños, 1, 1885.

Place of publication Madrid
Publisher Arregui, Enrique
Printer Montoya, M.P.
Date 1 1885
Series Biblioteca lírico-dramática
Pages 68 p.
Illustrations No
Dimensions 21 cm.
Translation No
Series statement from p. 1 of cover.

Publisher’s wrapper contains points of sale.

Imprint on cover: Madrid : Enrique Arregui, Editor, calle de Atocha, 111, segundo, 1885.

Cast list: p. [4].

Local note
Stamp on cover and throughout: Empresa de Teatros, 19 Abr. 86, J. Barta.

Inscribed on cover: 2º apunte.

Stamp: 13 May 1931 Molina.

Inscribed on p. [5]: Barta.

Prompt copy: MS annotations and markings throughout.

Imperfect copy: p. 21-24 missing.

P. 21-24 replaced with lined MS of dramatic text.

Additional MS page interleaved between p. 26 and p. 27 of dramatic text.

Drawing of flower on back wrapper.

Former owner
Barta, J.

Annotated copy Yes
Music No