University of Texas at Austin


Holding institution Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin
Call number 1069.
Author Barbier, Jules, 1825-1901
Added Author Carré, Michel, 1819-1872
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832
Composer Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893
Title and statement of responsibility Fausto : drama lírico en cinco actos / música del maestro C. Gounod ; para representarse en el gran teatro del Liceo filarmónico-dramático barcelonés de S.M. la reina doña Isabel segunda.

Chief title Fausto.

Imprint Barcelona : Imprenta y Librería Politécnica de Tomas Gorchs, calle del Cármen, junto á la Universidad, 1864.

Place of publication Barcelona
Printer Gorchs, Tomás
Date 1 1864
Pages 80 p.
Illustrations No
Dimensions 18 cm.
Original language

Translation Yes
Translated language

Bound with no. 1063.-1076.

Binder's title: Teatro Español, tomo 24.

Cast list: p. [5].

Italian verse and Spanish prose on facing pages.

Local note
Stamp: Edelmann y Cia. Obra-Pia 23 Habana.


Annotated copy No
Music No