Scope and Contents |
The Michael Barker collection of Joan Littlewood and the Theatre Workshop includes
notebooks, correspondence, scripts and other materials documenting Joan Littlewood's
professional life within and apart from the Theatre Workshop from about 1937 until
The collection is divided into three series: Joan Littlewood (3 boxes), Collected
Scripts (11 boxes), and Miscellany (1 box). |
Michael Barker's Joan Littlewood materials arrived at the HRC via an antiquarian
bookseller and after having survived--at least in part--a fire. No evidence of any
original order employed by Littlewood was evident, nor was there any clear indication
that much of the material was well-known to Barker, though he did apparently label
number of the notebooks. In organizing the collection the correspondence was arranged
alphabetically and the extensive Littlewood-Raffles correspondence was placed in
chronological order. The scripts have been arranged by playwright, and the remaining
materials are grouped under appropriate rubrics. |
The Joan Littlewood series embraces in the main a group of notebooks kept by Littlewood
from the late 1930s to the early 1950s, a number of essays and scripts, as well as
portion of her correspondence. Completing this series are materials related to her
activities in the Fun Palace Trust and a small group of photographs and theatrical
sketches. |
The Littlewood notebooks are essentially her workings-out of dramatic concepts,
dialogue, and evaluations of actors but also contain political essays and commentary.
The correspondence includes the letters between Littlewood and her husband Gerry Raffles
during 1947 and '48, as well as a file of correspondence between Littlewood and actors
and playwrights, such as Isla Cameron, David Mowat, and Celia Salkeld in the early
1960s. |
The Collected Scripts series includes about eighty scripts and screenplays dating
primarily from the 1950s and '60s. They are mostly mimeographed, with few manuscript
additions, but several are revised and/or include laid-in correspondence. British--and
few American--playwrights, such as Lionel Bart, Shelagh Delaney, Ewan MacColl, and
Soyinka are represented in the series. |
The concluding Miscellany series contains portions of Michael Barker's correspondence
with Lionel Bart and Tom Driberg, together with Sean Kenny's correspondence on staging
Bart's Gulliver's Travels.
Series Descriptions |
Series I. Joan Littlewood, 1937-1975 (3 boxes) |
The Littlewood series is divided into five subseries. The first of these comprises
eleven notebooks kept by the producer-director from the late '30s to the early
1950s. Desultory use of a given notebook over a period of time results in a
complex of ideas difficult to characterize, but it may be said that Littlewood's
notebooks emphasize eurhythmics, dramatic theory, and evaluations of actors, as
well as considerable amounts of dramatic dialogue (A Christmas Carol, for example). Political theory and
commentary, as well as notes on British history, also figure significantly. |
The second subseries, Essays and Scripts, contains essays on the Theatre Royal at
Stratford E.15 and on the artist Maqbul Fida Husain, as well as scripts for six
episodes of an apparent proposed TV series "Max in India".
Subseries C (Correspondence) contains a major portion of the correspondence
between Littlewood and Gerry Raffles during the Theatre Workshop tours of 1947 and
'48, revealing much of the workings and personalities of the ensemble and the
state of the theater in immediate postwar Europe. Other correspondents represented
in the subseries include Sir Tyrone Guthrie, Robert Rietty, and Ray Stark. |
Material in the Fun Palace Trust subseries dates from the 1960s and concerns
Littlewood's interest in this entity and related projects to promote"fun fairs" and other popular entertainment projects.
Virtually all of the work represented here was undertaken by Michael Barker as
Littlewood's assistant. |
Subseries E (Joan Littlewood in Print) contains two periodical issues with
Littlewood-related material and Bubble
City, a pamphlet containing her views on public entertainment and
social welfare. |
The Photos and Artwork subseries is the smallest and contains a few photographs of
Joan Littlewood, together with a number of sketches of costumes and set
designs. |
Series II. Collected Scripts, circa 1957-1972 (11 boxes) |
The 80-odd scripts, teleplays, and screenplays which form this series date
primarily from the later 1950s and the 1960s. These are generally mimeographed,
though two or three are published editions and several are in typescript with
manuscript revisions. British and a few American playwrights are represented, and
a few pieces of correspondence relating to the plays are laid in. Playwrights of
interest include Lionel Bart, Brendan Behan, Shelagh Delaney, Sean Kenny, Ewan
MacColl, and Wole Soyinka. |
Series III. Miscellany, undated (1 box) |
The third and final series comprises a medley of materials relating to Michael
Barker, Lionel Bart, and the postwar British theater. Correspondence from Bart to
Barker and notes on Bart's work in the musical theater are present, as is a folder
of Sean Kenny's correspondence relating to the production of Bart's Gulliver's Travels.
Also present in this series and bearing little apparent connection to it are
groups of letters from Tom Driberg to Barker and from various public figures to
Philip Laski. Completing this series are a number of autographs, programs of the
Theatre Royal, Stratford, and a few assorted pieces of printed matter. |