This collection contains manuscript drafts for Julia Frey’s biography Toulouse-Lautrec: A Life (1994), typescripts for museum exhibits,
career related and general correspondence, articles, book reviews, reviews of Frey’s
contracts, and general handwritten notes. The material spans the decade of 1987-1997
the bulk of the material created from 1993-1997. The papers are arranged in three
series: I.
Works, 1983-1995, II. Correspondence, 1979-1995, and III. Career-Related, 1985-1998. |
The Works series is divided into two subseries. Subseries A. Toulouse-Lautrec: A Life contains manuscripts for the biography,
including numerous handwritten notes and typescript drafts, reader’s notes, a translated
manuscript, a final draft, and galleys. Subseries B., Other Works, includes Frey’s
manuscripts for museum catalogues, books reviews, and articles she wrote for various
publications. |
Series II. Correspondence is comprised of one chronologically arranged folder of general
correspondence spanning 1983-1987, and several folders of alphabetically arranged
professional correspondence. |
Series III. Career related materials includes handwritten notes, permissions for
illustrations and materials use, what appears to be a text storyboard for a screenplay
on the biography, interviews, and lists of prospective review sources. This series
contains numerous reviews of Toulouse-Lautrec: A Life by the
United States and British press. |