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Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit:
A Container List of the Sheet Music Collection at the Harry Ransom Center
Creator: | Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit | |
Title: | Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit Sheet Music Collection | |
Dates: | 1915-1940 | |
Extent: | 198 records center cartons (198 linear feet) | |
Abstract: | This collection features 27,000 pieces of silent film and vaudeville scores dating between 1915 to 1940 from the Palace Theater in Dallas. | |
Call Number: | Film Collection FI-00015 | |
Language: | English |
Access: | Open for research. Researchers must create an online Research Account and agree to the Materials Use Policy before using archival materials. Part or all of this collection is housed off-site and may require up to three business days’ notice for access in the Ransom Center’s Reading and Viewing Room. Please contact the Center before requesting this material: reference@hrc.utexas.edu | |
Use Policies: | Ransom Center collections may contain material with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations. Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in the collections without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the Ransom Center and The University of Texas at Austin assume no responsibility. | |
Restrictions on Use: | Certain restrictions apply to the use of electronic files. Researchers must agree to the Materials Use Policy for Electronic Files before accessing them. Original computer disks and forensic disk images are restricted. Copying electronic files, including screenshots and printouts, is not permitted. Authorization for publication is given on behalf of the University of Texas as the owner of the collection and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder which must be obtained by the researcher. For more information please see the Ransom Center's Open Access and Use Policies. |
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation | Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit Sheet Music Collection (Film Collection FI-00015). Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin. |
Repository: |
Related Material
The Ransom Center has several other collections of material from the Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit, including the Interstate Business and Historical Records Collection, the American Cinema Theater Collection, the Texas Cinema Theater Collection, the James O. Cherry Collection, the Grady Wilson Collection, and the Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit Advertising Collection. |
Container List
A & M - After All | Container 1 |
A & M - Agitato | Container 2 |
Agitato - Album | Container 3 |
Alex - All I Do | Container 4 |
Allied - Alysia | Container 5 |
Amante - Amour | Container 6 |
Anchors - Angels L | Container 7 |
Angels of - April 8 | Container 8 |
April C - Around the | Container 9 |
Around the - Au bord d'un ruisseau | Container 10 |
Au feld - Baby M | Container 11 |
Baby's - Baron | Container 12 |
Bart - Begin | Container 13 |
Begin - Betty's | Container 14 |
Between - Black Forest | Container 15 |
Black - Blue Roses | Container 16 |
Blue Skies - Bon Soir | Container 17 |
Bon Vivant - Bride of | Container 18 |
Brides - Busy Bee | Container 19 |
Busy T - La Bzura | Container 20 |
Cabal - Canzonetta | Container 21 |
Capitan - Carmen M | Container 22 |
Carmen O - Castellano | Container 23 |
Castillo - Chansons Russes Pt. 3 | Container 24 |
Chansons Russes Pt. 4 - Chico | Container 25 |
Chico's - Cigar | Container 26 |
Cigarieres - Color | Container 27 |
Columbia - Contentment | Container 28 |
Contes - Covered | Container 29 |
Cowboy - Cunning | Container 30 |
Cupid - Dancing On... | Container 31 |
Dancing S - Day I Let | Container 32 |
Day in... - Desert M | Container 33 |
Desert S - Djer | Container 34 |
Doan - Don't Worry | Container 35 |
Don't - Dramatic M | Container 36 |
Dramatic N - Dream Time | Container 37 |
Dream V - East | Container 38 |
Easy - Eisenbahn | Container 39 |
Eleanor - L'Ermite | Container 40 |
Ernani - Everything Stops | Container 41 |
Everything You - Falling in Love | Container 42 |
Falling Rose - Faun | Container 43 |
Faust (ballet) - Fiddlers | Container 44 |
Fidgety Joe - Five Modern | Container 45 |
Five Old Times - Forge | Container 46 |
Forget - Frankie | Container 47 |
Fraus Quite - From Now On | Container 48 |
From Outdoor - Fuzzy Wuzzy | Container 49 |
Gaiement - Geduldig | Container 50 |
Gee - Gioacchino | Container 51 |
La Gioconda - Give a Little | Container 52 |
Give Me - Gondoliers | Container 53 |
Gone - Gossipers | Container 54 |
Got a - Green Eyes | Container 55 |
Green Field - Hanaka | Container 56 |
Hand - Have I | Container 57 |
Have You - Heil | Container 58 |
He Is Born - He's the Last | Container 59 |
Hey Babe - H. M. S. Pinafore | Container 60 |
Hobbling - Honolulu | Container 61 |
Hoo Doo - Humpty | Container 62 |
Hungarian - Hypnotic | Container 63 |
I Ain't - I'd Love | Container 64 |
I Do - If I Were | Container 65 |
If Love - I Just Wanna | Container 66 |
I Kiss - I Loved You | Container 67 |
I Love Me - I'm Gonna Clap | Container 68 |
I'm Gonna Look - Imprecations | Container 69 |
L'Impresario - In a Mist | Container 70 |
In a Moonboat - Indian Dawn | Container 71 |
Indian Fantasy - In Merry Wood | Container 72 |
In Modo - In the Dusk | Container 73 |
In the Evening - Invincible | Container 74 |
Invitation - Isla D'amour | Container 75 |
Isle of Capri - It Makes | Container 76 |
It Might As Well - It's the Gypsy | Container 77 |
It's the Irish - I Want You | Container 78 |
I Was Here - Jezebel | Container 79 |
Jewell - Junior | Container 80 |
Junk - Keep S | Container 81 |
Keep T - Kitten | Container 82 |
Klage - Lamentoso | Container 83 |
Lamp - Lazy | Container 84 |
Leaden - Let's Pretend | Container 85 |
Let's Put - Limehouse | Container 86 |
Linden - Little Music | Container 87 |
Little Nemo - Lollipop | Container 88 |
Lolotte - Louisiana H | Container 89 |
Louisiana H - Love is Like | Container 90 |
Love Is Love - Lovers | Container 91 |
Love's A - Love Tragedy | Container 92 |
Love What - Lyres | Container 93 |
Ma - Make My Cot | Container 94 |
Make That - Marahuana | Container 95 |
Marathon - March of the B | Container 96 |
March of the D. - Mary's | Container 97 |
Masaniello - Medley of the Hills | Container 98 |
Medley of the Popular - Melody in G | Container 99 |
Melody in Spring - Merrie England | Container 100 |
Merriment - Mignon | Container 101 |
Mignon - Minstrel | Container 102 |
Minuet - Mr. Rhythm | Container 103 |
Mr. Sweeny - Moon Dreams | Container 104 |
Moon Glow - Moon Over | Container 105 |
Moon Ray - Moto | Container 106 |
Motor - My Baby Just | Container 107 |
My Baby Knows - My Home | Container 108 |
My Ideal - My Silent | Container 109 |
My Sister - National Anthem | Container 110 |
National Emblem - Nell | Container 111 |
Nena - Night On | Container 112 |
Night Owl - No Parking | Container 113 |
No Reqrets - Nymphs | Container 114 |
O Belle Nuit - Old Curiosity | Container 115 |
Old Erin - On Account | Container 116 |
On a Coconut - One More Dream | Container 117 |
One More Kiss - On the Go | Container 118 |
On the Good Ship Lollipop - Or Have I | Container 119 |
Oriental - Out of the Tempest | Container 120 |
Out on the Deep - Overture | Container 121 |
Pack Me Up - Paper | Container 122 |
Paper Doll - Pastel | Container 123 |
Pastoral - Perfume | Container 124 |
Perichole - Pilgrimage | Container 125 |
Pilot - Plus | Container 126 |
Poeme - Poupee | Container 127 |
Pour - Prelude 6 | Container 128 |
Prelude - Pretty Girl | Container 129 |
Pretty Little - P. S. | Container 130 |
Pucciniana - Ranger | Container 131 |
Rapture - Remember Me | Container 132 |
Remember P - Reve A | Container 133 |
Reve D - Rippling Waves | Container 134 |
Riptide - Rolling | Container 135 |
Roll Tanks - Romeo | Container 136 |
Rooftops - Rose Queen | Container 137 |
Rose Room - Running Wild | Container 138 |
Run Rabbit - San | Container 139 |
San Antonio - Scattering | Container 140 |
Scattin' at the Kit Kat - Schubertiana | Container 141 |
Schubert Melodies - See Saw | Container 142 |
Se Fue - Serenade L | Container 143 |
Serenade N - Shamrock | Container 144 |
Shamrock - She's a Latin | Container 145 |
She's Another - Sicilian Vespers | Container 146 |
Side Walker - Sing a Song | Container 147 |
Sing a Spell - Six Standard Songs | Container 148 |
1620 Overture - Small Fry | Container 149 |
Small Town - Solemn | Container 150 |
Soliloque - Somewhere | Container 151 |
Son - Song of the W | Container 152 |
Songs - Soudanese | Container 153 |
Souffrie - So You | Container 154 |
Spaguda - Spirit of Youth | Container 155 |
Spirituals - Starry | Container 156 |
Stars - Storm Music | Container 157 |
Stormy - Sugar Plum | Container 158 |
Sugar to Tea - Sunday | Container 159 |
Sunday - Swanee Blossoms | Container 160 |
Swanee River - Sweetheart Shop | Container 161 |
Sweetheart Waltz - Symphonie | Container 162 |
Symphony - Talkin' to My Heart | Container 163 |
Talkin' to Myself - Temptation | Container 164 |
Temptation - That Foolish | Container 165 |
That Laughing - Then It | Container 166 |
Then Someone - There's Beauty | Container 167 |
There's Everything - This is Our Night | Container 168 |
This is the Army - Thee Gems | Container 169 |
Three In One - To Be... | Container 170 |
Thunder and Blazer - TMA | Container 171 |
To Call - Tosca | Container 172 |
To Thee - Trinkin | Container 173 |
Tripping - Tumbling | Container 174 |
Tuxedo - Two Lips | Container 175 |
Two Little - Unter | Container 176 |
Until - Valse R | Container 177 |
Valse S - Vicissitudes | Container 178 |
Victor Herbert - Visions | Container 179 |
Vive - Waltz | Container 180 |
Wanderers - Wire Out | Container 181 |
We're Together - What the Animals Do | Container 182 |
What Do We Do - When I Dream | Container 183 |
What I'd YooHoo - When the Moon | Container 184 |
When the Moon Shines - Where the Sweet | Container 185 |
Where the Volga - While Rats | Container 186 |
White Rose - Wild Papa | Container 187 |
Wild Rose - With Fife and Drums | Container 188 |
Within the Walk - World is Mine | Container 189 |
World is Mine - Yeoman | Container 190 |
Yeoman - You Didn't | Container 191 |
You Don't - Your Heavenly | Container 192 |
You're a Grand - You're Number | Container 193 |
You're on My Mind - Ypsilanti | Container 194 |
XYZ - Odd Sheets | Container 195 |
Odd Sheets - Miscellaneous Music | Container 196 |
Miscellaneous Music | Container 197-198 |