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Gogarty, Oliver St. John. "James Joyce at the Martello Tower in 1903." A Traveller's Companion to Dublin.
Ed. Pakenham, Thomas;
Pakenham, Valerie.
New York and Northampton:
Interlink Books,
ISBN 1-56656-491-3.
Originally published as Dublin: A Traveller's Companion (London: Constable, 1988). From It Isn't This Time of Year at All.
Joyce, James. "'After the Hell-Fire Sermon at Belvedere College'; 'Stephen Dedalus Calls on the Dean of Studies at the Jesuit University College'; 'Gogarty at the Martello Tower'; 'James Joyce Leaves the Martello Tower'." A Traveller's Companion to Dublin.
Ed. Pakenham, Thomas;
Pakenham, Valerie.
New York and Northampton:
Interlink Books,
116-17; 169-70; 234-38; 238-39.
ISBN 1-56656-491-3.
Originally published as Dublin: A Traveller's Companion (London: Constable, 1988). Excerpts from P, U, and text of JJ's let. to Starkey, 15 September 1904.