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Joyce, James;
translated by Deane, Conor.
Occasional, Critical, and Political Writing. Ed. Barry, Kevin
Oxford World's Classics.
Oxford University Press,
l, 360 pp.
ISBN 0-19-283353-7.
Barry, intro. and notes. Contents: "Trust Not Appearances," 3; "[Subjugation]," 4-11; "The Study of Languages," 12-16; "Royal Hibernian Academy 'Ecce Homo,'" 17-22; "Drama and Life," 23-29; "Ibsen's New Drama," 30-49; "The Day of the Rabblement," 50-52; "James Clarence Mangan (1902)," 53-60; "An Irish Poet," 61-63; "George Meredith," 64; "Today and Tomorrow in Ireland," 65-66; "A Suave Philosophy," 67-68; "An Effort at Precision in Thinking," 69; "Colonial Verses," 70; Catilina, 71-73; "The Soul of Ireland," 74-76; "The Motor Derby," 77-79; "Aristotle on Education," 80; "[A Ne'er-Do-Weel]," 81; "New Fiction," 82-83; "A Peep into History," 84; "A French Religious Novel," 85-86; "Unequal Verse," 87; "Mr Arnold Graves's New Work," 88-89; "A Neglected Poet," 90; "Mr Mason's Novels," 91-92; "The Bruno Philosophy," 93-94; "Humanism," 95-96; "Shakespeare Explained," 97-98; "[Borlase and Son]," 99; "Empire-Building, 100-01; "Aesthetics [Paris Notebook and Pola Notebook]," 102-07; "Ireland: Island of Saints and Sages," 108-26; "James Clarence Mangan (1907)," 127-36; "[The Irish Literary Renaissance]," 137; "Fenianism: The Last Fenian," 138-41; "Home Rule Comes of Age," 142-44; "Ireland at the Bar," 145-47; "Oscar Wilde: The Poet of 'Salomé,'" 148-51; "The Battle between Bernard Shaw and the Censor: 'The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet," 152-54; "The Home Rule Comet," 155-59; "[A Curious History]," 160-62; "Realism and Idealism in English Literature (Daniel Defoe--William Blake)," 163-82; "The Centenary of Charles Dickens," 183-86; The Universal Literary Influence of the Renaissance," 187-90; "The Shade of Parnell," 191-96; "The City of the Tribes: Italian Memories in an Irish Port," 197-200; "The Mirage of the Fisherman of Aran: England's Safety Valve in Case of War," 201-05; "Politics and Cattle Disease," 206-08; "Programme Notes for the English Players," 209-11; "From a Banned Writer to a Banned Singer," 212-15; "[On the Moral Right of Authors]," 216. Appendix: "L'Irlanda alla sbara," 217-18; "Home Rule maggiorenne," 219-21; "La Cometa dell' 'Home Rule,'" 222-24; "La battaglia fra Bernard Shaw e la censura: 'Blanco Posnet Smascherato,'" 225-26; "La città delle tribù: ricordi italiani in un porto irlandese," 227-29; Il miraggio del pescatore di Aran: la valvola dell' inghilterra in caso di guerra," 230-32; "Oscar Wilde: il poeta di 'Salomè," 233-36; "Il Fenianismo: L'ultimo Feniano," 237-39; L'ombra di Parnell," 240-43; L'Irlanda: isola dei santi e dei savi," 244-58; Giacomo Clarenzio Mangan," 259-67; "[Il rinascimento letterario irlandese]," 268; "Verisimo ed idealismo nella letteratura inglese (Daniele Defoe e William Blake)," 269-84; "L'influenza letteraria universale del rinascimento," 285-87; Communication de M. James Joyce sur le droit moral des écrivains, 288.