- A
- A.A. Knopf Inc. - KNN
- AAUP Prize - APA
- Adams, Alice - AAN
- Adams, James Donald - ADA
- African Literature Books - ALB
- Aiken, Conrad, Collection of Doris "Dolly" Lindo Lewis - ADL
- Ainsworth, Ruth - AIN
- Aitken, George A. - ATR, Ax
- Albert Boni Books - BNB
- Aldine Press - ALDINE
- Aldine Press, Giorgio Uzielli Collection of the - UZI
- Alewyn - ALE
- Allen, Woody, Andreas Brown Collection of - BWA
- Alvarez, Julia - AJU
- Anderson, Hans C. - HCA
- Anderson, Maxwell Library - AND
- Architecture, American, Wood - WOA
- Armed Services Editions - ARM
- Art & Modern Literature Collection, J.B. Neumann - AML
- Auden, W.H. Library, Chester Kallmann - AKL
- Audio Cassettes - ACR
- B
- B. J. Simmons & Co. - Simmons
- Babb, Sanora Library - BSL
- Ballantyne - BAL
- Banbury, Frith Library - BAF
- Banks, Russell Library - BRN
- Barnes, Warner J. Library - BWJ
- Barry, Frederick - BAY, HS
- Barton, Lucy - BTO
- Battle, William James - BAT
- Bauman, Richard - BAU
- Bax, Clifford, 1886-1962 Library - BAX
- Beardsley, Aubrey, A.G.M. Severn Collection - SEV
- Beatnik, Robert Jackson Collection - HEP
- Becker, Sanford - BSG
- Beckett, Samuel - BKT
- Bedford-Jones, Henry - BED
- Beecher, John - BEE
- Bel Geddes, Norman Library - BGB
- Belle Lettres, Argosy - ABE
- Ben Bradlee Papers - BRB
- Bibesco, Marthe Lucie Lahovary, Princesse, Library - BML
- Bibles - BIB, BIBLE
- Bibles, Braille - BBR
- Bibliography, George Dowden (Complete Collection of Allen Ginsberg) - DWD
- Bieber, Albert A. Collection of American Poetry, 1716-1886 - [None]
- Bingham - BIN
- Biography - History - Literature - BHL
- Bird Folios, Brasher - BRA
- Birney, Earle - BIR
- Blakeston, Oswell - BLA
- Blessing, Lee Knowlton - BLK
- Blom Drama - BLD
- Blom Plays - BLP, BLOM
- Boatright, Mody - BOA
- Bodoni - BOD
- Bohemica - BOH
- Bonazzi, Robert - BON
- Book Arts - BAR [Was Book AC]
- Bookman - BKM
- Books Arts - BAS
- Books from Ms. Hudspeth's Office - BHO
- Botanical Textbooks, Wynd - WYN
- Botany, Cyrus L. Lundell Library - LUN
- Bouwsma, O. K. Library - BWM
- Bowden, Ann - BAA
- Braisted, William - BWR
- Braun, Theodor H. - BTH
- British Literature, Argosy - LIB
- British Sexological Society - BSS
- British War Propaganda - BWP
- Brooke, Florence Ralston - BRO
- Brooke-Rose, Christine Library - BCR
- Bruccoli, Matthew J. Collection [Spy fiction, prim. John Le Carre] - BMJ
- Buckley, Peter - BPE
- Bullfighting, Rex Smith - SMB
- Bures, Frank - BUR
- Burgess, Anthony Library - BAW
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - BURROUGHS, AC-L TEMP
- C
- Cabell, James Branch, I.R. Brussel Collection of - CBL
- Calligraphy - CAL
- Calligraphy, Brewer - BRC
- Calligraphy, Typography - CAU
- Campbell, Roy, Ellsworth Mason Collection of - EMC
- Caron/Masefield - CMC
- Cartography - MAP
- Catalogs, Library Exhibit - LEC
- Cather, Willa Sibert - CTH
- Catullus - CAT
- CD, Compact Disc - CDS
- CD-ROM, Compact Disc Read Only Memory - CDR
- Children's Books, Esther Stallman - STM
- Chronology, Van Wijk [Time and Calendars] - VAN
- Church, Richard - CHU
- Classics, Argosy - ACS
- Classics/Classical - CLA, Classics
- Clemens, Samuel Langhorne - CLE
- Cline, C. L. (Clarence Lee) and Henriette - CLI
- Cobden-Sanderson, Richard - CBD
- Coccioli, Carlo Library - CCB
- Coetzee, J. M., Library - CJO
- Coleridge Family Library - COL
- Collins, Carr P. - CPC
- Comic Books, James Peterson Collection of - PJN
- Conkle, E. P. (Ellsworth Prouty) Library - CKL
- Conservation - CONSER VATION
- Conservation - Horton, Carolyn - HCN, CONHCN
- Conservative Literature - CLC
- Contempo Magazine Archives - CMA
- Cortot, Alfred - COT
- Cousins, Margaret Library - COU
- Covarrubias, Miguel, Adriana and Tom Williams Collection of - WMC
- Craig, Edward Anthony (General) - CRE
- Craig, Edward Anthony Film (Theatre Arts) - CRF [HRC-TA]
- Craig, Edward Gordon - CRG [HRC-TA]
- Cranfill, L. Mabel [& Thomas Mabry] - CRA
- Crime - CRI
- Croft-Cooke, Rupert Gypsy Collection - CRO
- Crosby, Harry and Caresse - CRS
- Cummings, E. E. Library - CUM
- Cureton, W.E. & H.J. (C.M.?) - CTN
- Currey, Lloyd W., General - CUY
- D
- Dahlberg, Edward Library - DLB
- Dahlberg, Edward, Harold Billings Collection - DHB
- Daum, Raymond W. - DMR
- Davenport, Guy Library - DGN
- Davis, Albert [Performing Arts Collection] - DAA
- Davis, H.L. (Harold Lenoir) - DAV
- de Brant, Peter, W.W. Story Collection of - STY
- De Niro, Robert - [None]
- DeGolyer, E., Mr & Mrs. - DEG
- DeLillo, Don - DDN
- Detective and Mystery Collection, Adrian H. Goldstone - GSM
- Dickens, Charles - DICKENS
- Dickens, Charles, Halsted B. VanderPoel Collection of - VDU
- Dictionaries, Cordell - CRD
- Dime Novels - DIM, Dime Novel
- Dobie, J. Frank Library - DOBIE
- Drake - DRD
- Drake Literature - DRL
- Drake Reference - DRR
- Drake, James F. - DRA
- Dulles, John Foster Library - DUL
- Dumas, Alexandre - DUM
- Duncan, David Douglas Library - DDD
- Dust Jackets (Dustjackets, Book Jackets) - [None]
- DVD, Digital Video Disc - DVD
- E
- F
- Fehl, Fred - FEL
- Feldman Miscellany - FMI
- Fiction Collective Two (FC2) - FCT
- Fiction in English, Argosy - AFE
- Fletcher, Edward Garland - FLE
- Ford, Charles Henri - FCH
- Fowles, John, Ray A. Roberts Collection of - RRA
- Fox, Hugh - FXH
- Franke, Winthrop I. [Mysteries] - FRK
- French Literary Serials - FLS
- French Literature, Argosy - AFL
- French Masonic Materials - FMA
- French Pocket Mysteries - FRM
- French Social and Political Science - FRE
- Furst, Alan - FUA
- G
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez - [none]
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez Presentation Library - GMP
- Gammage, T. Earnest, Jr. Collection of Fore-edge Paintings - GTE
- Gardner, Erle Stanley - GARDNER
- Gardner, Erle Stanley - GAR, GAS
- Gassner, John, 1903-1967 Library - GSR
- German, Gustav Wolf - GWG
- Gift Books - GIF
- Gilbert, Stuart - GSN
- Gissing, George Robert - GIS
- Goldstone, Adrian Homer Library - GAH
- Goodman Library - GDM
- Gorey, Edward, Byron W. Sewell Collection of - SBG
- Gosse, Edmund - GOS
- Gotham Book Mart - Film - GFI
- Goyen, William Library - GOY
- Graham-Pease - GPC
- Griggs, Earl Leslie - GRG
- Grimes, Martha, Ray Roberts Collecton of - GMR
- Gropper, Joseph - GRJ
- Groves, John Stuart - GRO
- H
- Hamburger, Michael - HAM
- Hamilton, Florence Collection - HFC
- Hanley, Thomas Edward - HAN
- Hanley, Tullah - HAT
- Hardwick, Elizabeth - HEL
- Hardy, Thomas - HAR
- Harp, D. Leon Gift Books - HAP
- Harte, Bret - HAE
- Hebraica [See Gottesman] - HEB
- Hebrew Miscellany [See Gottesman] - HEM
- Hegman, Elmo and Virginia - HEV
- Henderson, Alice Corbin - HND
- Heritage Press - HER
- Herschel, John Frederick William, Sir, Bart., 1792-1871, Library - HRL
- Hilfer, Anthony, Library - HAL
- Hines, Patrick - HIP
- Historical Addenda, Argosy - AHJ
- History, Argosy - AHI
- History, Colonial and Revolutionary, Jackson - JAC
- Hoblitzelle Plays - HOP
- Hone, William, Ann Bowden Collection of - Hone Collection
- Hopkins, Kenneth - HPK
- Horwitz, Albert - HOR
- Houdini, Harry - HOU
- House of El Dieff, Inc. - Lew David Feldman - FEC
- House of El Dieff, Inc. - Lew David Feldman [Gift] - FEG
- House of El Dieff, Inc. - Lew David Feldman [Miscellany] - FEM
- Howarth, Robert Guy Library - HWR
- Howell, Warren R. 1912- - HOW
- HRC Minimally Cataloged Collections - HRCMIN - HRCMIN
- HTA - Bel Geddes Miscellany - HTA-BGM [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Bullfighting - HTA-B [U retroserial
- HTA - Circus - HTA-C [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Downing, Robert - HTA-D [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Gassner, John - HTA-G [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Gassner, John Library - GSR [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Gassner, John Miscellany - HTA-GM [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - German [language] - HTA-GE [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Magic - HRC-TA [formerly HTA-MA]
- HTA - Miscellany - HTA-M [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Music - HTA-MU [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Periodicals - HTA-PERS [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Reference - HTA-R [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Rice Miscellany - HTA-RM [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Starr - HTA-S [Use HRC-TA]
- HTA - Vaudeville - HTA-V [Use HRC-TA]
- Hugo, Victor - HUG
- Huxley, Aldous [Foreign language editions] - HUC
- I
- J
- Jacobson, Dan - JDN
- James, Henry - JAM
- Jeffers, Una and Robinson - JEF
- Jefferson, Caleb Perry Patterson - PEY
- Jennings, Lola, Theatre Collection - JNG, HRC-TA
- Johnson, Denis - JDH
- Johnson, Spud Library - JOH
- Jones, Joseph Jay (1908-1999) - JJC
- Jones, William, Sir, 1746-1794 - JSW
- Joyce, James, Trieste Library - JJT
- Judaica [See Gottesman] - JUM
- K
- L
- La Farge, Oliver Library - LAF
- Labor Unions, Argosy - ALU
- Lake, Carlton - LAK
- Landor, Walter Savage, Thomas H. Brumbaugh Collection of - BRM
- Larson, William and June - LWJ
- Latin America - Mulhall [subject area collection] - MUL
- Law, Robert A. - LRA
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward (T.E.) Library - LTE
- Lazarus, George L. - LZR
- Le Gallienne, Richard, William MacDonald Mackay Collection of - LGL
- Leeds, William Bateman - LEE
- Lewis, Wyndham Library - LWD
- Libretti, Hans Peter Kraus - KRL
- Limited Editions - LIM
- Limited Editions Club - [none]
- Literature, Theodore Stenberg - STL
- Logic, History of - LOG
- Lomax Miscellany - LOM
- London Mercury - LON
- Lowell, Robert - LRN
- Lucas - LCS
- M
- Maas, Willard - MAA
- MacBeth, George - MCB
- Machen, Arthur, Adrian H. Goldstone Collection of - MCH
- Mackenzie, Compton Library - MAK
- Macy correspondence [Manuscripts] - MAC
- Magee - MAG
- Magic, J.J. & H.M. McManus and M.N. & C.U. Young Library - ZM, HRC-TA, MCY
- Mailer, Norman Library - MNN
- Mailer, Norman, Thomas Fiske Collection of - FNM
- Malamud, Bernard, Ann Malamud Collection of - MAB
- Malamud, Bernard, Robert Giroux Collection of - MBN
- Mamet, David - MDA
- Mantz, Ruth E. - CRM
- Marston, Patrick - MRS
- Masefield, John, 1878-1967 Library - MSF
- Masters, Edgar Lee Library - MAS
- Matthiessen, Peter Library - MPN
- Maugham, W. Somerset Bibliography Collection, Klaus W. Jonas - JSM
- Maugham, W. Somerset Library - MAU
- Maugham, W. Somerset, Jerome R. Zipkin Collection of - ZIP
- Maverick, Maury, Sr. (1895-1954) - MAV
- McCullers, Carson - MCL
- McCutcheon, George Barr - MCU
- McWilliams, David Jackson - MDJ
- Medici - MED
- Merton, Thomas, Frank Dell'Isola Bibliography Collection of - DEM
- Meyer-Abich - HSU, Meyer- Abich, HS
- Michener, James - MJA
- Middleton, Christopher - MCR
- Mills, C. Wright, Llibrary - MIL
- Milne, A.A. Library - MIA
- Miniature Books - MIN
- Miscellaneous Uncataloged [includes books from other collections] - MUN
- Miscellany, Argosy - AMI
- Mitford, Jessica - MIF
- Mockel - MOC
- Modern British Playwrights, Gordon Dickerson Collection of - MBP
- Moeller, Philip - MOE
- Monumenta Cartographica, H.P. Kraus - MON
- Moore, Steven Collection - MSN
- Morley, Christopher Library - MOR
- N
- O
- P
- Palmer, Herbert Library - PLM
- Pariser-Wise - WIS
- Partridge, Frances, Ray A. Roberts Collection of - PFR
- Performing Arts/Theatre Arts - HRC-TA
- Peridier Astronomy Library - PDR
- Periodical "P's" - PES
- Petty, Ryan Gifts - PTT
- Pforzheimer, Carl Howard, 1879-1957 Library - PFZ, PFORZ
- Pharr, Clyde, Dr. - PRR
- Philosophy, Argosy - APH
- Plain Wrapper Press - PWP
- Poe, Edgar Allan, William H. Koester Collection - KPO
- Poe, Edgar Allen - POE
- Poe, Edgar Allen, Campbell - CPO
- Poetry - POY
- Poetry - Ruth Walgreen Stephan, 1910-1974 - SPN
- Poetry, Argosy - APO
- Police & Crime, Christopher Druce Pulling - PLG
- Political Science, Jaffe - JAF
- Pornography, H. Montgomery Hyde Collection of - HYD
- Potacki of Montalk, Count, Walter Armytage Collection of - APM
- Pound, Ezra Library - PND
- Prandtl, Wilhelm - PRD, HS
- Presbyterian Seminary - PRE
- Prescott, Joseph - PRJ
- Price, Reynolds, Ray A. Roberts Collection of - RPR
- Prize Awards, (William B.) Todd - TPA, Todd Prize Awards
- Prothro Collection - PRT
- Publishers' Dummies - PPD
- Pulitzer Prize Collection - PUL
- Q
- R
- Raja Rao - [none]
- Ransom, Hary Huntt & Hazel - RHH
- RBMS Leab Exhibition Awards - RBM, RBMS
- Rechler, Roger Collection - RLI
- Recusant Collection - REC
- Recusant Reprints - REP [use HRC]
- Reel-to-reel Tapes - RRT
- Reem Collection - REE
- Reference Books - REF, HRC-TA REF, HRC-P REF
- Rempe, Peter J. Gifts - REM
- Rice, Elmer Library - RIC [HRC-TA]
- Richardson, Owen, Sir - HSP, HS
- Richardson, Sid W. - HSM
- Roberts, F(rancis). Warren - FWR
- Robinson, Chandler - RBN
- Rodker, Marianne - ROD
- Romansky, Alvin - ROM
- Ross, Nancy Wilson - RNW
- Rothgeb, John Reese Library - RJR
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques - Spell - SRO
- Ruscha, Edward - RUE
- S
- Sackton, Alexander H. (Hart) - SAK
- Sandford Collection of Henry Miller - SMH
- Sayers, Dorothy L. - Wilkie Collins collection [Queen] - QUE, SYC
- Schiff, Stuart David - SCF
- Scholartis Press - SCH
- Schuster Reprints - SCU
- Science Fiction - Richard Spelman - SPM
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, UT - USF
- Science Fiction, Bruce Sterling Collection of - SBM
- Science Fiction, Huddleston - HUD
- Scott, Walter, Sir, Todd-Bowden Collection of - TBS
- Sellin, Eric - SEN
- Serials, Miscellaneous Mincat. - Varies by originating collection
- Sermons, Uncataloged, Non-Wing - SER
- Sexton, Anne Library - SXT
- Sheet Music - None
- Shepard, Sam Library - SHS
- Shiel - Hawsworth - Redonda - SGR
- Short Title Catalog, Uncataloged - STC
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis Collection (2008 Accession) - SFA
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Gordon Weel Collection of - WGS
- Sitwell, Edith, Dame - SDE
- Sitwell, Osbert & Sacheverell - SDF
- Smith, Logan Pearsall [of Robert Gathorne-Hardy] - LPS
- Snow, C.P. (Charles Percy) Library - SNO
- Sound Recordings, Records and Tapes - SDR
- Southcott, Joanna (1983) - SOX
- Southcott, Joanna [Religious sectarian] - SOU
- Spiritualism, Conan Doyle - CDO, DOY
- Stark Library - STR, STK, STARK, SS, Sx
- Starr Western Novels, Argosy - ASW
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - SVN
- Stopes, Marie Carmichael [publications by author] - SMC
- Struve - STV
- Sueltas, Spanish Plays - SPP
- Sukenick, Ronald Library - SRN
- Sullivan, John J. Library (Main collection) - SUL
- Swanson, Gloria - SWA
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - SWD
- Swedish Science Collection - None, HS
- T
- Tackett Gift Collection - TKG
- Targ Collection [Books on books] - TAR
- Tauchnitz, Anthony Newnham Collection of - TAU
- Temporary Cataloging, Academic Center Library - AC-L TEMP, AC-L, TEMP
- Thackeray, William Makepeace, Robert Metzdorf Collection of - THA
- Theatre Arts, Hoblitzelle - HTA [use HRC-TA]
- Theses and Dessertations - HTD
- Thompson, Elbert A. Library - THO
- Tinker, Edward Laroque Library - TINKER, TIN
- Tippett, Michael, Library - TSM
- Todd, William Burton Library - TOD
- Transfer from Brief Author [Not a collection but a cataloging device] - TBA
- Travel & Exploration - TRA
- Trevelyan - TRE
- Triplett, Granville Library - TRI
- Turner, Decherd - TRN
- Tyler, Parker Library - TYL
- Type Specimens, Brewer - BRT
- U
- V
- W
- Wallace, David Foster Library - DFW
- Wallace, Edgar - WAC
- Walter Reuben, Inc. - REU
- War Poetry, Edward Lucie-Smith Collection - LSW
- Watson, Edmund Henry Lacon [Queen] - WAT
- Waugh, Evelyn Library - WAU
- Waugh, Evelyn, Anthony Newnham Collection - WAN
- Webster, Harvey C. - WEB
- Weeks, Edward Library - WEE
- Weidman, Jerome Library - WEJ
- Weinreb, Ben - WEI
- Wesker, Arnold - WES
- West, Herbert F. - WWG
- Wheeler, John A. - WHL
- White, Eric Walter Library - WEW
- White, T.H. Library - WHI
- Whitman, Walt, John D. Moore Collection of - MWT
- Wier, Dara - WDA
- Williams, Robert H. Spanish and Portugese - WRH
- Williams, Tennessee Library - WIA
- Williford, H.W. - WIL
- Willson, Frank C. Library - WLS
- Wilson, Edmund Library - WLN
- Wilson, Will and Marjorie, Library - WWM
- Wing [Short Title Catalog, STC] - Wing, WIN
- Wolfe, Thomas, George R. Preston Bibliography Collection - PWC
- Wolff, Robert L., Mrs. (Mary Andrews) - WMR
- Woodward-Ruth - WOO
- World War I, Gus C. Dittmar - WDI
- World War, Bel Geddes - WBE
- World Wars, Herbert F. West - WWE
- Wozencraft - WOZ
- Wrather, William Embry Library - WRA
- Wrenn Library - WRE
- Wunderman, Severin - WSN
- X
- Y
- Z