University of Texas at Austin

Photography Collections Database

Record Detail

Call Number:


Collection Name:

Felix H. Man Photography Collection


Man, Felix H., 1893-1985 (1893 - 1985)

No. of Items:

28 items

Span Dates:



The collection consists of 28 photographs by Felix H. Man (British, 1893-1985). Item-level information follows.

964:0027:0001 -- Helmut Gernsheim;
964:0027:0002 -- Unidentified;
964:0027:0003 -- Self-portrait, 1947;
964:0027:0004 -- Le Corbusier, n.d.;
964:0027:0005 -- George Braque in his Studio, n.d.;
964:0027:0006 -- Fernando Leger, n.d.;
964:0027:0007 -- Graham Sutherland, n.d.;
964:0027:0008 -- George Bernard Shaw, n.d.;
964:0027:0009 -- George Bernard Shaw, 1948;
964:0027:0010 -- Henri Matisse in Wheelchair, n.d.;
964:0027:0011 -- Earl Winterton, “Father” of the House of Commons;
964:0027:0012 -- Herbert Morrison;
964:0027:0013 -- Maxim Gorky, 1932;
964:0027:0014 -- Max Liebermann, in a typical hard-of-hearing gesture;
964:0027:0015 -- Paul von Hindenburg, President of the Weimar Republic, Berlin;
964:0027:0016 -- Igor Stravinsky at rehearsal, 1929;
964:0027:0017 -- Igor Stravinsky at rehearsal, 1929;
964:0027:0018 -- Igor Stravinsky at rehearsal, 1929;
964:0027:0019 -- Stravinsky conducting;
964:0027:0020 -- Gentleman of the Road, 1939;
964:0027:0021 -- French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand with his Parlimentary Secretary Alexis Leger (St. John Perse);
964:0027:0022 -- French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand with his Parlimentary Secretary Alexis Leger (St. John Perse);
964:0027:0023 -- Mussolini in his study, Palazzo Venezia, Rome, 1930;
964:0027:0024 -- Unidentified;
964:0027:0025 -- Steelworkers;
964:0027:0026 -- Ballet “Everyman”, 1943;
964:0027:0027 -- Pablo Casala playing, taken by candlelight;
964:0027:0028 -- Toscanini bei einer Gesangprobe, Bayreuth, 1931.


M Box, Medium (964:0027:0001, 0003-0008, 0010)
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M Box, Extra Large (964:0027:0013, 0028)
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Man, F.H., Box (964:0027:0009, 0011-0012, 0014-0018, 0020-0023, 0025-0027)
Click here to request this item from the reading room

Flat File (964:0027:0019)
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See Also:

Felix H. Man: Additional prints by Man, with a biography by Helmut Gernsheim can be found in a portfolio entitled Felix H. Man (call number f TR 820 M353 HRC-P).

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