University of Texas at Austin

Photography Collections Database

Record Detail

Call Number:


Collection Name:

Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874


Thompson, Stephen, 1830-1892 (1830? - 1893)

No. of Items:

4 items

Span Dates:



Smith, George, 1840-1876.

Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1875.

958:0175:0001- Figure of Warrior on Painted Brick.

958:0175:0002- Marble Model of Human-Headed Winged Bull.

958:0175:0003- Lintel of Doorway.

958:0175:0004- Terra Cotta Bilingual Tablet.


DS 70 S73 1875 HRC-P
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