University of Texas at Austin

Photography Collections Database

Record Detail

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There are more than five million objects in the Harry Ransom Center's Photography Collection. Many records contain legacy descriptions. A review and update of our records is ongoing.

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Call Number:


Collection Name:

A Manual of Photogravure: A Comprehensive Working-guide to the Fox Talbot Klíc Dustgrain Method

No. of Items:

1 item

Span Dates:



Zoete, Johan de. A manual of photogravure: a comprehensive working-guide to the Fox Talbot Klíc dustgrain method. Haarlem, The Netherlands: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, c1988. Photographically illustrated book containing one photogravure.


TR 980 Z85 1988 HRC-P (958:0337:0001)
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