University of Texas at Austin

Photography Collections Database

Record Detail

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There are more than five million objects in the Harry Ransom Center's Photography Collection. Many records contain legacy descriptions. A review and update of our records is ongoing.

Additional information may be available. Contact Reference and Research Services.

Call Number:


Collection Name:

Maude Adams Literary File Photography Collection


Adams, Maude, 1872-1953 (1872-11-11 - 1953-07-17)

Sarony, Napoleon (1821 - 1896)

No. of Items:

1 item

Span Dates:

circa 1900


The collection consists of one hand-colored cabinet card portrait of the stage actress Maude Adams (American, 1872-1953) by Napoleon Sarony (Canadian photographer, 1821-1896, active in Great Britain). The card mount is signed on the verso: To K. A. Hill from Maude Adams.

Further descriptions of some items may be available in a card catalog in the repository.

This collection forms a part of the larger Literary Files Photography Collection that is comprised of photographs and albums withdrawn from the libraries and/or papers of literary figures, and generally includes portraits and images collected by or of those figures.


Aaa-Alg Lit File Box (P1)
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