Photographic Formats

Banquet camera photographs

Photographs made from a fixed wide-angle-lens camera capable of producing a sharp image of great depth. They are usually images of large groups of people. One camera, marketed 1913-1926, produced prints of 7 x 17 in. (18 x 43 cm.), 8 x 20 in. (20 x 51cm.), and 12 x 20 in. (30 x 51 cm.).

Panoramic photographs

Photographs that view of a wider section of the horizon than could normally be photographed in a single exposure. Their ratio of width to height is usually 2:1 or more. They may be separate photographs either joined (or meant to be joined) together or one long piece made with a special camera.

Cabinet photographs

Mounted photographs on a card that measures about 6.5 x 4.25 in. (16.5 x 10.5 cm.). Introduced in the United States in 1866, and popular until around 1900.

Cartes de visite

Mounted photographs on a card that measures about 4 x 2.5 in. (10 x 6 cm.). Primarily used for portraits and functioning as calling cards, they flourished from the 1860s to the 1880s.

Other card photographs

Mounted photographs on cards with other sizes than those listed above.

Gem photographs

Very small tintypes that were usually mounted in a paper folder or in jewelry. Popular from the mid-1860s to 1880.

Lantern slides

Transparent positive images made or mounted on glass for projection. The most common size in England was 3.25 x 3.25 in. (8.25 x 8.25 cm); in the United States the most common size was 3.25 x 4 in (8.25 x 10.1 cm). Introduced into the United States by 1850, they were popular into the 1930s.

Novelty works

Photographic works made upon uncommon supports and/or in uncommon formats.

Photographic jewelry

Photographs mounted on pieces of jewelry.

Photographic postcards

Postcards that are photographs. Kodak introduced a sensitized postcard-size stock with standard postcard information printed on the back in 1902. The format remained popular through about 1920, and is still available.

Commercial names include Velox and Azo (from Kodak) and Cyko (from Ansco).

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