University of Texas at Austin

University of Reading FOB Harry Ransom Center

FOB Search Results 51 - 60 of 410
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Angus and Robertson LtdThe Australian publishing firm of Angus and Robertson was founded in 1886. The firm was principally a bookselling company, but began publishing from 1887. From the 1970s the bookselling and publishing companies became completely separate (see the FOB entry for Angus and Robertson Bookstore). The publishing arm of Angus and Robertson became part of HarperCollins from 1989. See and
Anker PublishingAnker Publishing was established as a specialist publisher for higher education practice. In 2007 the firm was acquired by Wiley and incorporated into its Jossey-Bass division. See and
Ann Arbor PressAnn Arbor Press was acquired by Wiley from Sleeping Bear Press in 2002. see
AnsataThe German publishing firm of Ansata is now part of Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH. Random House is owned by Bertelsmann. See and
Anson D. F. Randolph and CompanyAnson D. F. Randolph founded his own publishing firm in New York in 1851. Randolph went bankrupt and died in 1898, and the firm's creditors dissolved it the following year. See 'Dictionary of Literary Biography' 49 (1986), pp. 382-384.2009
Anthony Blond LtdAnthony Blond Ltd was founded in 1957. See Anthony Blond's own account in his book 'Jew made in England'. His publishing firm went through many changes and mergers, being known as Blond & Briggs Ltd and also Holt-Blond in the 1970s, and Muller, Blond & White Ltd in the 1980s. Muller, Blond & White Ltd was purchased by Century Hutchinson in 1987, and is now part of Random House UK, which is owned by Bertelsmann. See and (There is further information in Anthony Blond's obituary, The Times, 1 March 2008.)2008
Appeal Publishing CompanyAppeal Publishing Company was founded in 1919 by Emmanuel Haldeman-Julius and Louis Kopelin. In 1922 the firm became known as the Haldeman-Julius Company. See the FOB entry for Haldeman-Julius Company, which indicates that in 1964 the firm was prosecuted for selling books on sex education, and went out of business. See 'Dictionary of Literary Biography' 46 (1986), pp. 176-178.2009
Appleton & Lange, Inc.The medical publishing firm of Appleton & Lange, Inc. was purchased by McGraw-Hill from Pearson plc in 1999. See
Appleton-Century-CroftsThe three component firms of Appleton-Century-Crofts have their own entries in FOB, as D. Appleton & Company, The Century Company and F. S. Crofts Company. In 1960 Appleton-Century-Crofts was purchased by Meredith Publishing Company. The principal parts of the firm were later sold by Meredith. The Appleton division was sold in 1974 to Prentice-Hall, which is now part of Pearson Education (see the FOB entry for Prentice-Hall). The New Century division was sold, also in 1974, to Charles Walther. New Century Publishing was purchased in 1990 by Frank Gil, who changed its name to New Win Publishing. New Win Publishing was purchased by the Academic Learning Company in 2003. See The archives of Appleton-Century-Crofts are in the Lilly Library, Bloomington, Indiana.2008
Applied Medical InformaticsThe Salt Lake City firm of Applied Medical Informatics (AMI) was purchased by C. V. Mosby in 1997. Mosby became part of Reed Elsevier in 2001. See the FOB entry for Mosby and

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