A finding aid for this collection is available online, and an illustrated hardcopy version can be found in the Center's Reading Room.
Researchers wishing to reproduce any of the images in the collection should contact:
Harry Ransom Center
The University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Box 7219
Austin, TX 78713-7219
Email: photography@hrc.utexas.edu
Researchers interested in learning more about the history of the collection and the role of itinerant photographers may wish to consult Sybil Miller's Itinerant Photographer: Corpus Christi, 1934, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1987.
Researchers interested in Corpus Christi, Texas, will want to visit the Corpus Christi Public Library either in person or virtually via cclibraries.contentdm.oclc.org. The Corpus Christi Public Libraries Digital Archives include over 3,000 photographs, some of which were made from the itinerant photographer's negatives, which form part of their Dr. John Frederick "Doc" McGregor collection.
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Faust Café kitchen
Dreyer's Market