University of Texas at Austin

Photography Collections Database


Browse Photography Collections by Name: Under Letter A

Displaying 1 to 139 of 139 Records
Collection Name
No. of Items
Span Dates
A Manual of Photogravure: A Comprehensive Working-guide to the Fox Talbot Klíc Dustgrain Method 1 item ca.1988
A New Map of the River Thames, from Thames Head to London 102 items 1886?
A Short Account of Lincoln Cathedral 1 item 1800s
A Study of Spinoza 1 item 1882
A Treatise on Magnesium Flash-light Photography for Various Subjects with Methods for Its Application Practically Considered 4 mounted photographs in 1 bound volume 1890
A treatise on photogravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic process 1 item 1897
A trip to Mexico; being notes of a journey from Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco and back.... 13 items 1880
A winter in Paris; being a few experiences and observations of French medical and sanitary matters gained during the season of 1865-6 2 items 1866
A. & J. Bool Photography Collection 1 item 1875
The "A.B.C." Guide to the Making of Autotype Prints in Permanent Pigments 2 items 1887
The "A.B.C." Guide to the Making of Autotype Prints in Permanent Pigments 2 items 1898
Abdullah Frères Photography Collection 2 items circa 1865
Dannie Abse Literary File Photography Collection 2 photographs 20th century
Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon Photography Collection 3 items 1860-1870
Ansel Adams Photography Collection 5 boxes (35 items) 1929-1960
What Majestic Word: In Memory of Russell Varian. Portfolio IV 1 portfolio (15 photographs) 1963
J. Donald (James Donald) Adams Literary File Photography Collection 12 items
Maude Adams Literary File Photography Collection 1 item circa 1900
Richard Lee Adams Photography Collection 3 boxes (587 items) circa 1900-2014 (bulk 1935-1945)
John Adamson Photography Collection 1 photograph 1861
Robert Adamson Photography Collection 13 photographs circa 1842-1845
Adelphoi Zangaki Photography Collection 2 items 1870s or 1880s
W. S. (Walter Scott) Adkins Photography Collection 5,568 items 1890-1955
Adolphe Braun & Co. Photography Collection 21 photographs 1870s-1880s
Aerofilms Limited Photography Collection 3 items 1949
Affreschi del Correggio a Parma 24 items 1865
James Agee Literary File Photography Collection 1 photograph 1901 or earlier
Agfacolor 4 items 1950, 1951, 1962
Max Aguilera-Hellweg Photography Collection 2 items 1990-1995
[Family Album of the Marquess of Ailesbury] 128 items 1871
[Pages from a family album of the Marquess of Ailesbury] 38 photographically-illustrated pages from album 1870-1880?
William Harrison Ainsworth Literary File Photography Collection 2 photographs late 19th century
Webster Aitken Literary File Photography Collection 5 boxes and 2 albums (1,575 items) 20th century
Gwen Akin and Allan Ludwig Photography Collection 1 item 1989
Alaska 26 photographs in 1 album 1910?
Steven Albahari Photography Collection 3 photographs 1982-1985
F. Albert Photography Collection 2 items circa 1870s
The Nibelungen-Saga as displayed in the fresco paintings of Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld in the Royal Palace at Munich 20 items circa 1865
Joseph Albert Photography Collection 2 items 1860-1865
Sammlung Bayerischen Königs-Schlösser 20 items 1897 - 1899
Sammlung Bayerischen Königs-Schlösser 20 items 1897 - 1899
A Murder Mystery? 22 photographs in 1 album 1976
[Album - Views of Jamaica (19), Havana, Cuba (6), and Mexico (16)] 41 items in album 1895?
Album of German postcards from World War I 204 items in 1 album 1914?
Album of German postcards from World War I 124 items in 1 album 1914?
[Album of H. C. G. Osborne: Photographs of Castles, Homes, and Parks] 47 items 1880 - 1894
[Album of nineteenth-century photographic prints of Japan] 50 photographs in 1 album circa 1881
Album photographique, Pau et ses environs 11 items 1854
Album-Guide Illustré Internationale: Listes d’Hotels, etc. 52 items 1886
Richard Aldington Literary File Photography Collection 309 items 1892-1962 (bulk 1928-1931)
Lady Jane Alexander Photography Collection 6 items 1856
Richard Dykes Alexander Photography Collection 3 photographs circa 1850s
Queen Alexandra's Christmas Gift Book: Photographs from My Camera, to be Sold for Charity [copy 1] 46 photogravures in 1 bound volume 1908
Queen Alexandra's Christmas Gift Book: Photographs from My Camera, to be Sold for Charity [copy 2] 46 photogravures in 1 bound volume 1908
Queen Alexandra, consort of Edward VII, King of Great Britain Photography Collection 19 photographs 1889-1894
Alfonso Photography Collection 2 items 1936; 1950
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Literary File Photography Collection 18,869 items 1895-1983 (bulk 1930s-1960s)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson and his Friends: A series of 25 portraits and frontispiece in photogravure from the negatives of Mrs. Julia Margaret Cameron and H. H. H. Cameron 26 items 1893
James Alinder Photography Collection 4 items 1983
All for Thee 1 photograph in 1 volume 1800s
Khalik Allah Photography Collection 2 photographs 2013
Stuart Allen Photography Collection 5 photographs 2006-2009
Barbara Alper Photography Collection 2 items 1991-2000
Jane Fulton Alt Photography Collection 2 photographs 1998-1999
Altobelli e Molins Photography Collection 3 items between 1858-1866
Gioacchino Altobelli Photography Collection 1 item circa 1860
Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1979 portfolio) 15 items in portfolio circa 1933-1977, printed 1979
Photographs (1977 portfolio) 15 items in portfolio 1920s-1977, printed 1977
Amateur Photographic Association [Photographs by well-known amateurs] 62 photographs in 1 unbound album 1862-1865?
Maurice Ambler Photography Collection 3 items 1955
Ambrotypes Photography Collection 157 items 1850s-1870s
American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac 44 items 1887-1917
American Portraits - 19th Century Photography Collection 38 items 1850-1900
Jeff Amram Photography Collection 2 photographs 1998-1999
D. Anderson Photography Collection 8 items 1905-circa 1920
James Anderson Photography Collection 3 photographs circa 1860
Maxwell Anderson Literary File Photography Collection 1,492 items Late 19th-early 20th century
Andrey Andersson Photography Collection 1 item 1940s
Esther Andrews Literary File Photography Collection 1 photograph circa 1910s
Menton: Laville & Ses Environs: Souvenir Pittoresque et Litteraire 15 items 1860 (ca.)
Catherine Angel Photography Collection 1 photograph 1997
Owen Angel Photography Collection 1 item 1863 (ca.)
Ludwig Angerer Photography Collection 1 item 1859
Anleitung zur Herstellung von Moment-Photographien 24 items 1887
Annals of the poor 1 item
J. Craig (James Craig) Annan Photography Collection 3 items 1912-1913, printed 1946 or earlier
Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field 15 items 1866
Memorials of the Old College of Glasgow 41 items 1871
Photographs of Old Closes, Streets, &c., taken 1868-1877 40 photographs 1878
Thomas Annan Photography Collection 5 photographs 1860s
The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow 1 volume (50 plates) 1900
Ottomar Anschutz Photography Collection 1 item 1886-1914
Rufus Anson Photography Collection 1 photograph circa 1858
Edward Anthony Photography Collection 1 item 1859
Anthony's Photographic Bulletin 147 mounted photographs in 6 bound volumes 1885-1893
Antwerpen 228 items 1951
Eugène Appert Photography Collection 2 prints 1871
An Appreciative Life of the Right Hon. the Earl of Beaconsfield 27 items 18--
Diane Arbus Photography Collection 1 photograph 1961
Frederick Scott Archer Photography Collection 3 items circa 1851
Architectural photography 1 item 1903
Architecture and Art in Italy: Photographs 44 photographs in 1 album circa 1870s
[Architecture in Great Britain: an album of photographs] 129 items 19--?
Dick Arentz Photography Collection 2 photographs 1985-1986
Merle Armitage Literary File Photography Collection 700 items 1936-1961
Frank Armstrong Photography Collection 38 photographs 1968-1987
[Views of the World's Columbian Exposition, C. D. Arnold, official photographer] 50 photographs mounted in 1 album (disbound) 1893
Eve Arnold Photography Collection 55 photographs 1950-1987
Poems 1 photograph in bound volume 1869
Abraham Aronow Photography Collection 196 photographs 1980s-2012
Around the World 100 items 1896-1912
Art in photography, with selected examples of European and American work 73 items 190-
Graduate Photography Portfolio 35 items 1976
Photographs 12 photographs in 1 bound volume 1859
Olivia Arthur Photography Collection 2 photographs 2006-2007
Arthur’s Gallery Photography Collection 1 item 1890s?
Artifoni Photography Collection 1 photograph circa 1928
Artine Artinian Literary File Photography Collection 632 items circa 1860-1955
“Artistic Studies” of Nudes Stereo Slides Photography Collection 28 items circa 1950
Vasco Ascolini Photography Collection 76 items 1986-1988
Ashburton and its neighbourhood... 6 items 18--
Associated Press Photography Collection 1 item 1941
Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874 4 items 1873-1874
Ateljé Fischer Photography Collection 1 item
Eugène Atget Photography Collection 26 photographs 1900-1922, 1950s
Anna Atkins Photography Collection 2 photographs 1845-1851
H. A. Atwell Photography Collection 1 item circa 1920s
Au temps de Baudelaire, Guys et Nadar, avant-propos de François Boucher ... présentation d'Anne D'Eugny en collaboration, avec René Coursaget 1 item
Charles Aubry Photography Collection 1 photograph circa 1860
W. H. (Wystan Hugh) Auden Literary File Photography Collection 119 items 20th century
Audio / Visual Photography Collection 30 items 1993-2003
Erich Auerbach Photography Collection 6 photographs 1938-1953
Auguste Photography Collection 1 item 1861
Ausführliches handbuch der photographie 5 items 1882-1888
Ausstellung fur Kunstlerische Photographie, Berlin, 1899 6 items 1899
Alice Austen Photography Collection 21 items 1880-1910
Austin Photographic Survey Photography Collection 600 items circa 1986
Richard Avedon Photography Collection 3 items, 1osb 1958-1981
G. W. Ayliffe Photography Collection 1 item after 1877
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