University of Texas at Austin

Reviewed Titles

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Early Joyce and the Writing of Exiles
Early Joyce: The Book Reviews: 1902-1903
Eco-Joyce: The Environmental Imagination of James Joyce
Ecology of Finnegans Wake
Economy of Ulysses: Making Both Ends Meet
EcoUlysses: Nature, Nation, Consumption
Ein Porträt des Künstlers als junger Mann
Einstein's Wake: Relativity, Metaphor, and Modernist Literature
El artista adolescente
El artista adolescente: (retrato)
El Dublín de James Joyce
El gato y el diablo
El Ulises de James Joyce: Una lectura posible
Eliot, Joyce and Company
Elizabeth Costello
Elkin Mathews: Publisher to Yeats, Joyce, Pound
Eminent Domain: Yeats among Wilde, Joyce, Pound, Eliot, and Auden
Empire and Pilgrimage in Conrad and Joyce
Empty Houses: Theatrical Failure and the Novel
Encyclopedia of Literary Modernism
Ending in Progress: Final Sections in James Joyce's Prose Fictions
Ends of Ireland: Criticism, History, Subjectivity
Enemy Opposite: The Outlaw Criticism of Wyndham Lewis
Engendered Trope in Joyce's Dubliners
English Fiction, 1900-1950 Individual Authors: Joyce to Woolf: A Guide to Information S...
English Novel: An Introduction
Enigma of Arthur Griffith: "Father of Us All"
Entgrenzungen und Entgrenzungsmythen: zur Subjektivität im modernen Roman: Daniel Defoe...
Envoy verso : in : attraverso : da : Giacomo Joyce
Epic Geography: James Joyce's Ulysses
Epiphanies & Phadographs, Joyce e Trieste
Epiphanies / Epifanie
Epiphany in the Modern Novel
Epos und Roman: James Joyce's Ulysses: Beitrag zu einer historisierten Gattungspoetik
Erotic Faith: Being in Love from Jane Austen to D.H. Lawrence
Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error
Essais critiques
Essays for Richard Ellmann: Omnium Gatherum
Essential James Joyce
Estudios Joyceanos en Gran Canaria: Joyce “In His Palms”
Estudios sobre Joyce y Faulkner
Eternal Geomater: The Sexual Universe of Finnegans Wake
Ethical Joyce
Ethics of Love: An Essay on James Joyce
Ethics of Modernism: Moral Ideas in Yeats, Eliot, Joyce, Woolf and Beckett
Eugene Jolas: Critical Writings, 1924–1951
European Connections: Re-Reading Pío Baroja and English Literature
Everyman's Joyce
Evolutions of Modernist Epic
Exhausted Ecologies: Modernism and Environmental Recovery
Exile of James Joyce
Exile, Emigration and Irish Writing
Exiles: A Critical Edition
Exiles: A Play in Three Acts
Expert Modernists, Matricide, and Modern Culture: Woolf, Forster, Joyce
Exploring James Joyce
Ezra Pound as Literary Critic