University of Texas at Austin

Reviewed Titles

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Sacred River: An Approach to James Joyce
Samuel Beckett's Library
Samuel Roth: Infamous Modernist
Sandow the Magnificent: Eugen Sandow and the Beginnings of Bodybuilding
Saul Steinberg's Literary Journeys: Nabokov, Joyce, and Others
Saving Lucia
Scallop of Saint James: An Old Pilgrim's Hoard: Reading Joyce from the Peripheries
Scallop of Saint James: An Old Pilgrim's Hoard: Reading Joyce from the Peripheries = Le...
Scandal of Ulysses
Scandal of Ulysses [videorecording]
Scandal of Ulysses: The Life and Afterlife of a Twentieth Century Masterpiece
Scandal Work: James Joyce, the New Journalism, and the Home Rule Newspaper Wars
Scandinavian Elements of Finnegans Wake
Scene and Symbol from George Eliot to James Joyce: Studies in Changing Fictional Mode
"...schlechte Augen": James Joyce bei Arno Schmidt vor Zettels Traum: Ein annotierender...
Science, Technology, and Irish Modernism
Scribbledehobble: The Ur-Workbook for Finnegans Wake
Scriptural Poetics in Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Scritti Italiani
Scritti su Joyce
Scrupulous Meanness: A Study of Joyce's Early Work
Sean O'Casey Centenary Essays
Second Census of Finnegans Wake: An Index of the Characters and Their Roles
Secret Isaac
Seeing through Everything: English Writers, 1918-1940
Selected Letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn, 1915-1924
Selected Letters of James Joyce
Self and Form in Modern Narrative
Self as Object in Modernist Fiction: James, Joyce, Hemingway
Self Impression: Life-writing, Autobiografiction, and the Forms of Modern Literature
Self-Conscious Novel: Artifice in Fiction from Joyce to Pynchon
Semantics of Desire: Changing Models of Identity from Dickens to Joyce
Semicolonial Joyce
Semiotics and Interpretation
Senses of Modernism: Technology, Perception, and Aesthetics
Sensual Philosophy: Joyce and the Aesthetics of Mysticism
Serial Encounters: Ulysses and The Little Review
Set at Random: The Book that Wouldn't Lie Down
Seventeen Improvisations on a Book by James Joyce: A Reimagining of Finnegans Wake
Seventh of Joyce
Sex Trafficking in Postcolonial Literature: Transnational Narratives from Joyce to Bola...
Shadow of James Joyce: Chapelizod & Environs
Shakespeare and Company
Shakespeare and Joyce: A Study of Finnegans Wake
Shakespeare and Modernism
Shakespeare and the Irish Writer
Shakespeare Studied in Eight Plays
Shakespeare's Tremor and Orwell's Cough: The Medical Lives of Great Writers
Shamrocks and Chopsticks: The Blooms' Long Journey East: A Chronicle: 1922-1996
Shane Leslie: Sublime Failure
Shaw and Joyce: "The Last Word in Stolentelling"
Shorter Finnegans Wake
Sigla of Finnegans Wake
Silence in Progress of Dante, Mallarmé, and Joyce
Silent Modernism: Soundscapes and the Unsayable in Richardson, Joyce, and Woolf
Silent Years: An Autobiography with Memoirs of James Joyce and Our Ireland
Silverpowdered Olivetress: Reading Joyce in Spain
Simply Joyce
Singularity of Literature
Sinister Affair
Sinthome: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XXIII
Sixteenth of June: A Novel
Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake
Small World: Ireland, 1798–2018
Sobre literatura
Son Called Gabriel
Song in the Works of James Joyce
Songs of an English Esau
"The soul exceeds its circumstances": The Later Poetry of Seamus Heaney
Soul of a People
Sound of Finnegans Wake
Sounding Modernism: Rhythm and Sonic Mediation in Modern Literature and Film
Sounds of Manymirth on the Night's Ear Ringing: Percy French (1854-1920): His Jarvey Ye...
Sources and Structures of James Joyce's "Oxen"
Spatiality of the Novel
Spirals: The Whirled Image in Twentieth-Century Literature and Art
Sprache und Spiel im Ulysses von James Joyce
St. Patrick's Day: Another Day in Dublin
Stage Fright: Modernism, Anti-Theatricality, and Drama
Staging the Trials of Modernism: Testimony and the British Modern Literary Consciousnes...
Standard Deviations: Chance and the Modern British Novel
Standish O'Grady's Cuculain: A Critical Edition
Starchamber Quiry: A James Joyce Centennial Volume, 1882-1982
States of Desire: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, and the Irish Experiment
Steadfast Finnegans Wake: A Textbook
Steadfast James Joyce: A Social Context for the Early Joyce
Stèle pour James Joyce
Stephen and Bloom at Life's Feast: Alimentary Symbolism and the Creative Process in Jam...
Stephen D
Stephen Hero
Stepping through Origins: Nature, Home, & Landscape in Irish Literature
Stolen Writings: Blake's Milton, Joyce's Ulysses, and the Nature of Influence
'Strandentwining Cable’: Joyce, Flaubert, and Intertextuality
Strange Country: Modernity and Nationhood in Irish Writing since 1790
Stream of Consciousness and Beyond in Ulysses
Strong Spirit: History, Politics and Aesthetics in the Writings of James Joyce, 1898-19...
Structure and Motif in Finnegans Wake
Studies in Joyce
Studies in Short Fiction
Studies in Structure: The Stages of the Spiritual Life in Four Modern Authors
Studies in the Novel, A Special Issue on Editing Ulysses, 22 (Summer 1990), 113-269
Studies on Joyce's Ulysses
Study of Modern Parody: James Joyce's Ulysses, Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus
Study of Modern Parody: James Joyce's Ulysses, Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus
Style 25: Special issue: "James Joyce's Dubliners"
Style in Modern British Fiction: Studies in Joyce, Lawrence, Forster, Lewis, and Green
Su tutti i vivi e i morti. Joyce a Roma
Subaltern Ulysses
Subject of Modernism: Narrative Alterations in the Fiction of Eliot, Conrad, Woolf, and...
Sublime Noise: Musical Culture and the Modernist Writer
Suicide Century: Literature and Suicide from James Joyce to David Foster Wallace
Super Schoolmaster: Ezra Pound as Teacher, Then and Now
Sur James Joyce
Surface and Symbol: The Consistency of James Joyce's Ulysses
Surreal Beckett: Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and Surrealism
Suspicious Readings of Joyce's Dubliners
Sydney and Violet: Their Life with T.S. Eliot, Proust, Joyce, and the Excruciatingly Ir...
Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and T...
Sympathetic Alien: James Joyce and Catholicism
Sympathy and Joyce's Dubliners: Ethical Probing of Reading, Narrative, and Textuality
Systematic Functional Linguistics and Literary Analysis: A Hallidayan Approach to Joyce...