University of Texas at Austin

Browse Finding Aids by Curatorial Area

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Art - Film - Library - Manuscripts - Performing Arts - Photography


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Artinian, Artine (1907-2005). Art Collection, 1800?-1963
Bachardy, Don (1934- ). Art Collection, 1962-1974
Bascove (1946- ). Art Collection, 1983-1984
Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-1898). Art Collection, 1890-1960 (bulk 1890-1898)
Beerbohm, Max, Sir (1872-1956). Art Collection, 1880s-1946
Biggers, John Thomas (1924-2001). Art Collection, 1955-1983
Blake, William (1757-1827). Art Collection, circa 1780-1827
Brett, Dorothy (1883-1977). Art Collection, circa 1910-1968
Corso, Gregory (1930-2001). Art Collection, 1950s-1970s
Covarrubias, Miguel (1904-1957). Adriana and Tom Williams Art Collection of Miguel Covarrubias, 1917-2006
Craig, Edward Gordon (1872-1966). Art Collection, 1890-1930
Cuala Press. Art Collection, circa 1930s
Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin) (1894-1962). Art Collection, 1888-1962
Cunard, Nancy (1896-1965). Art Collection, 1920s-1980s (bulk 1930s-1950s)
Czermanski, Zdzislaw (1896-1970). Art Collection, circa 1949
Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank) (1888-1964). Art Collection, 1690-1965
Dürer, Albrecht (1472-1528). Art Collection, circa 1500s-1900s
Evershed, Peter (1925-2020). Art Collection, 1945-1951
Fontaine, Paul (1913-1996) and Virginia (1915-1991). Papers and Art Collection, 1935-1996
Ford, Charles Henri (1913-2002). Art Collection, 1964-1986
Foujita, Tsugouharu (1886-1968). Art Collection, 1921-1931
Gardner, Erle Stanley (1889-1970). Art Collection, 1920s-1960s
George Macy Companies, Inc. Limited Editions Club and The Heritage Press Art Collection, circa 1930-1967
Gorey, Edward (1925-2000). Art Collection, circa 1950-1976 (bulk undated)
Goyen, William (1915-1983). Art Collection, 1929-1954, most undated
Harmsworth, Desmond (1903-1990). Art Collection, 1932, 1960, undated
Harrison, Thomas Erat (1853-1917). Art Collection, 1880
Henderson, William Penhallow (1877-1943). Alice Corbin Henderson Art Collection of William Penhallow Henderson, 1906-1943
Huddle, William Henry (1847-1892). Art Collection, 1870s-1890s
John Calder Publishers. Art Collection, 1950s-1960s
John, Augustus (1878-1961). Art Collection, 1903-1946
Juta, Jan (1890-1990). Art Collection, 1920-1926
Kennington, Eric (1888-1960). Art Collection, 1926, undated
Lake, Carlton (1915-2006). Art Collection, circa 1772-1985 (bulk 1910-1935)
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert) (1885-1930). Art Collection, 1903-1930
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) (1888-1935). Art Collection, circa 1910s-1970s (bulk 1910-1926)
Lea, Tom (1907-2001). Art Collection, 1925-1989, undated
Legrain, Pierre (1889-1929). Binding Design Albums, 1918-1929
Levine, David (1926-2009). Art Collection, 1960s-2000s (bulk 1990-1999)
Lewis, Wyndham (1882-1957). Art Collection, 1898-1949
Limited Editions Club. Collection, 1988-2001
Luks, George Benjamin (1867-1933). Elizabeth Olds Collection of George Benjamin Luks, 1963-1966, undated (bulk undated)
Miller, Henry (1891-1980). Art Collection, 1943-1971
Milton, Peter (1930- ). The Jolly Corner, 1971
Momart (Firm). Christmas Card Art Collection, 2000-2010
Muray, Nickolas (1892-1965). Collection of Mexican Art, 1925-1954
Olds, Elizabeth (1896-1991). Benjamin O. Rees Collection of Elizabeth Olds Art, 1925-1940
Olds, Elizabeth (1896-1991). Emmett Hudspeth Collection of Elizabeth Olds Art, 1921-1986
Peckham, Ellen (1938- ). Art Collection, 1957-2010
Peter Blum Edition. Art Collection, 1981-1987
Popular Imagery. Art Collection, circa 1300-1800
Posada, José Guadalupe (1952-1913). Edward Larocque Tinker Art Collection of José Guadalupe Posada, 1900-1943, undated (bulk 1900-1920)
Rackham, Arthur (1867-1939). Art Collection, 1890s-1930s
Reaugh, Frank (1860-1945). Art Collection, 1880-1937 (bulk undated)
Renfro, Nancy (1937-1993). Papers and Art Collection, 1938-2010
Rivera, Diego (1886-1957). Art Collection, 1930-1939
Romansky, Alvin and Ethel (1907-1994 and 1917-1986). Art Collection, 1768-1987 (bulk 1834-1987)
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882). Art Collection, circa 1860s-1880s
Rothenstein, William (1872-1945). Art Collection, 1896?-1944?
Ruscha, Edward (1937- ). Papers and Art Collection, 1962-2015
Sexton, Anne (1928-1974). Art Collection, 1967, undated
Shepard, Ernest H. (Ernest Howard) (1879-1976). Art Inventory, 1920-1930
Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Winn. Collection of Latin American Art, 1864-1965 (bulk 1930s-1950s)
Spare, Austin Osman (1886-1956). Art Collection, circa 1909-1955, undated
Stevens, Elisabeth (1929-2018). Eranos, 2000
Stevens, Elisabeth (1929-2018). Sirens' Song, 2010
Stevens, Elisabeth (1929-2018). The Sufferers, 2015
Suter, David (1949- ). Art Collection, 1970s
Tchelitchew, Pavel (1898-1957). Art Collection, circa 1933-1939
Thomas, Dylan (1914-1953). Art Collection, 1937-1956 (bulk circa 1942)
Topolski, Feliks (1907-1989). Art Collection, 1939-1968
Universal Limited Art Editions. Art Collection, 1964-1988
Van Hoesen, Beth (1926-2010). Art Collection, 1969-1972
Waugh, Evelyn (1903-1966). Art Collection, 1822-1953 (bulk 1911-1953)
Weinreb, Ben (1912-1999). Collection of Architectural Drawings, circa 1500s-1942 (bulk circa 1800s-1942)
Welch, Denton (1915-1948). Art Collection, circa 1838-1948
White, T. H. (Terence Hanbury) (1906-1964). Art Collection, 1930s-1960s
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900). Art Collection, 1840s-1890s
Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983). Art Collection, circa 1928-1980


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Allen, Jay Presson (1922-2006). Papers, 1963-1985
Allen, Lewis M. (1922-2003). Papers for The Queen (1968), 1967-2001, undated
Allen, Woody (1935- ). Andreas Brown Collection of Woody Allen, 1937-2004
Apstein, Theodore (1918-1998). Papers, circa 1940-1988
Arbuckle, Maclyn (1866-1931). Collection, 1882-1990 (bulk 1882-1931)
Beale, Joseph Boggs (1841-1926). Collection, circa 1870s-2005
Billecci, Frank. Collection of Irene and Other Costume Designers, 1926-1967, undated
Carrick, Edward (1905-1998). Papers, 1900-1971
Cowan, Lester (1907-1990). Papers, 1943-1990
De Niro, Robert (1943- ). Costumes and Props, 1967-2005
De Niro, Robert (1943- ). Papers, 1888-2021 (bulk 1960s-2021)
Garfield, John (1913-1952). Papers, 1932-2010, undated
Harris, Jack (1914-1985). Papers, 1941-1995
Hellman, Marcel (1898-1985). Papers, 1931-1993
Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit. Advertising Collection, 1930s-1970s
Hoblitzelle Interstate Theatre Circuit. Sheet Music Collection, 1915-1940
Hooper, Tobe (1943-2017). Papers, 1941-1983 (bulk 1967-1975)
Jackson, Anne (1925-2016) and Eli Wallach (1915-2014). Papers, 1928-2016
Junge, Alfred (1886-19674). Papers, 1910-1958
Lehman, Ernest (1915-2005). Collection, 1888-1984 (bulk 1931-1994)
Mad Men. Mathew Weiner Mad Men Collection, 1912-2016 (bulk 1957-2014)
McCarty, John (1944- ). Papers, 1912-2010
Ray, Nicholas (1911-1979). Papers, 1929-1998
Rebel Without a Cause (1955). Collection, 1946-1978
Reuben, Walter. Screenplay Collection, circa 1927-1988
Savage, Ann (1921-2008). Papers, 1943-2008
Schrader, Paul (1946- ). Papers, 1943-2011
Selznick, David O. (1902-1965). Papers, 1904-1980 (bulk 1936-1955)
Selznick, Lewis J. (circa 1870-1933). Papers, 1896-1984 (bulk 1914-1934)
Skaaren, Warren (1946-1990). Papers, 1946-1991
Smith, Thomas (1938- ). Papers, 1977-2002
Swanson, Gloria (1899-1983). Papers, 18__-1988
Television Scripts. Collection, 1950s-1980s
Vidor, King (1894-1982). Collection, 1924-1941
Wallace, Mike (1918-2012). Collection, 1957-1958
Walston, Ray (1914-2001). Papers, 1938-1995
Welles, Orson (1915-1985). Collection, 1945-1956.
Whitney, John Hay (1904-1982). Financial Records and Synopses, circa 1935-1942
Whitney, John Hay (1904-1982). Papers, circa 1933-1952
Wrather, Bonita Granville (1923-1988) and Jack (1918-1984). Papers, 1846-1987 (bulk 1930-1978)


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Dime Novels Frank P. O'Brien Collection of Beadle and Adams Dime Novels, 1860-1890
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1949). William H. Koester Collection of Edgar Allan Poe-Related Sheet Music, 1865-1929, undated


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1932 German Elections Ephemera. Collection, 1932-1939
A. M. Heath & Co. Ltd. Records, 1956-2009
Abel, Lionel (1910-2001). Collection, 1949-1952
Adams, Alice (1926-1999). Papers, 1931-2000
Adams, J, Donald (James Donald) (1891-1968). Collection, 1899-1969, undated
Adler, Mortimer Jerome (1902-2001). Papers, 1939-1944
Agee, James (1909-1955). Collection, 1928-1988
Aiken, Conrad (1889-1973). Collection, 1928-1968
Ainsworth, Ruth (1908-1984). Collection, circa late 1930s-1985, undated
Aitken, George Atherton (1860-1917). Collection, 1649-1930, undated
Aitken, Webster (1908-1981). Collection, 1899-1985, undated
Aldan, Daisy (1923-2001). Papers, 1946-1966
Aldington, Richard (1892-1962). Collection, 1913-1963
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Addition to Editorial Files and Editorial Department Files, 1949-1984
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Records, 1873-1996
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. William A. Koshland Files, 1921-1996
Alicat Book Shop Press. Records, 1945-1966
Alther, Lisa (1944- ). Papers, 1944-2021, undated (bulk 1975-2015)
Altschuller, Alexander. Collection of J. M. Coetzee, 1981-2005
Alvarez, Julia. Papers, 1963-2014
American Book Review (1977- ). Production Material, 1985-1998
American Short Fiction. Records, 1990-1998
Amis, Kingsley (1922-1995). Collection, 1933-1968
Anderson, Margaret C. (1886-1973). Collection, 1923-1971
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959). Alfred S. Shivers Collection of Maxwell Anderson Research Materials, 1970s-1980s
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959). Papers, 1859-1984 (bulk 1922-1959), undated
Anderson, Sherwood (1876-1941). Collection, 1922-1945
Andrews, Wayne (1913-1987). Papers, 1930-1988
Angelo, Henry (1756-1835). Collection, 1764-1840
Anvil Press Poetry. Records, 1965-1987
Appel, Benjamin (1907-1977). Papers, 1920-1977
Arlen, Michael (1895-1956). Collection, 1916-1937
Armitage, Merle (1893-1975). Collection, 1911-1973 (bulk 1940s-1960s), undated
Armstrong, Martin (1882-1974). Collection, 1936-1963
Arnold, Edwin, Sir (1832-1904). Collection, 1876-1904, undated
Arrowsmith, William (1924-1992). Collection, 1942-1967
Artinian, Artine (1907-2005). Collection of French Manuscripts, 1785-1963
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn (1857-1948). Collection, 1889-1947
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh) (1907-1973). Collection, 1929-1976, undated
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (1902- ). Bound Manuscript Collection, 1301; 1515-1928
Authors’ Syndicate, Ltd. (1890-1926). Collection, 1844-1933 (bulk, 1892-1926)
Babb, Sanora (1907-2005). Papers, circa 1840s-2006
Bair, Deirdre (1935- ). Collection of Samuel Beckett and Brian Coffey, 1971-1992
Balaban, John (1943- ). Papers, 1959-2020
Baldwin, James (1924-1987). Collection 1956-1968
Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) (1825-1894). Collection, 1841-1963, undated
Ballard, J. G. (1930-2009). Manuscripts for The Unlimited Dream Company, 1976-1978
Bananas (periodical). Records, 1975-1978
Banbury, Frith (1912-2009). Papers, 1926-1996
Banks, Russell (1940-2023). Collection, 1972-2004
Banks, Russell (1940-2023). Papers, 1960s-2012
Baring, Maurice (1874-1945). Collection, 1879-1934
Barker, A. L. (Audrey Lilian) (1918-2002). Papers, 1940s-1998
Barker, George (1913-1991). Collection, 1933-1965, undated
Barker, Michael. Joan Littlewood and Theatre Workshop Collection, circa 1937-1975
Barlow, James (1921-1973). Collection, 1957-1973
Barnes, Julian (1946- ). Addition to His Papers, 1960-2006 (bulk 1996-2006)
Barnes, Julian (1946- ). Papers, 1971-2000
Baroja, Pió (1872-1956). Papers, 1921-1948
Barolini, Helen (1925- ). Collection, 1956-1989, undated
Barrett, Wilson (1846-1904). Papers, 1852-1975 (bulk 1871-1904)
Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) (1860-1937). Collection, 1882-1952, undated
Barry, Sebastian (1955- ). Papers, 1939-2004, undated
Bates, H. E. (Herbert Ernest) (1905-1974). Collection, 1925-1973, undated
Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) (1856-1919). Collection, 1916-1918
Bax, Clifford (1886-1962). Collection, 1904-1962
Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-1898). Collection, 1893-1959
Beck, Julian (1925-1985). Collection, 1937-1968, undated
Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989). Carlton Lake Collection of Samuel Beckett Papers, 1947-2000
Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989). Collection, 1864, 1930-1990, undated
Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989). Peter Snow Collection of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, 1955-1957, undated
Bedford, Sybille (1911-2006). Addition to Her Papers, 1911-1966 (bulk 1970s-2006)
Bedford, Sybille (1911-2006). Papers, 1914-2001
Bedford-Jones, Henry (1887-1949). Collection, 1897-1966
Beecher, John (1904-1980), and Barbara. Papers, 1850-2013 (bulk 1920-1980)
Beerbohm, Max, Sir (1872-1956). Collection, 1888-1958
Beevers, John Leonard (1911-1975). Papers, 1926-1984
Behan, Dominic (1928-1989). Collection, 1959-1961
Behrman, S. N. (Samuel Nathaniel) (1893-1973). Collection, 1934-1963, undated
Belbenoit, René (1899-1959). Collection, 1926-1943
Bell, Hillary (1857-1903). Collection, 1884-1909, undated
Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953). Collection, 1880-1963, undated
Bellow, Saul (1915-2005). Collection, 1947-1976
Benedikt, Michael (1935-2007). Collection, 1961-1967, undated
Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931). Collection, 1893-1959, undated
Benson, Arthur Christopher (1862-1925). Collection, 1892-1935
Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederick). (1867-1940). Collection, 1894-1939
Bergé, Carol (1928-2006). Papers, 1960-1969
Bermondsey Bookshop (circa 1921-1930). Collection, 1921-1945, undated
Berry, Francis (1915-2006). Papers, circa 1928-1961
Besant, Walter, Sir (1836-1901). Collection, 1754-1912, undated
Betjeman, John (1906-1984). Collection, 1932-1965, undated
Betti, Adolfo (1875-1950). Papers, 1907-1940
Bibesco, Marthe (1886-1973). Papers, 1768-1976 (bulk 1904-1973)
Billings, Harold (1931-2017). Correspondence from Jonathan Williams, 1967-1981
Binyon, Laurence (1869-1943). Collection, 1892-1942
Birney, Earle (1904-1995). Collection, 1955-1973, undated
Blakeston, Oswell (1907-1985). Papers, 1927-1985
Blasco Ibanez, Vicente (1867-1923). Collection, 1908-1923
Blessing, Lee (1949- ). Papers, 1960s-1999
Blom, Benjamin. Drama Collection: Shakespeare Material, 1864-1927, undated
Blumenfeld, Ralph D. (Ralph David) (1864-1948). Collection, 1872-1938, undated
Blunden, Edmund (1896-1974). Papers, 1909-1970, undated
Bockris, Victor (1949- ) and Andrew Wylie. Collection, 1965-2003
Bolitho, Hector (1897-1974). Collection, 1851-1969
Boni, Albert (1892-1981) Readex Microprint Corporation Collection, 1932-1970
Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986). Collection, 1922-2004 (bulk 1922-1975)
Borrow, George Henry (1803-1881). Collection, 1826-1874
Bosman, Herman Charles (1905-1951). Papers, 1940-1960, undated
Bottrall, Ronald (1906-1989). Collection, 1930-1964
Bouwsma, O. K. (Oets Kolk) (1898-1978). Papers, 1907-1988 (bulk 1925-1978)
Bowden, Ann (1924-2001) and William Todd (1919-2011). Papers, 1939-2001
Bowden, Edwin T. Manuscripts for The Dungeon Heart, 1961, undated
Bowen, Elizabeth (1899-1973). Collection, 1923-1975
Bowles, Jane Auer (1917-1973). Collection, 1944-1966
Bowles, Paul (1910-1999). Collection, 1897-1995
Boyle, Kay (1902-1992). Collection, 1945-1990
Boyle, T. Coraghessan (1946- ). Papers, 1887-2012 (bulk 1970-2010)
Bradlee, Benjamin C. (1921-2014). Papers, 1921-2013
Bramah, Ernest (1868-1942). Collection, 1881-1941 (bulk 1894-1941), undated
Brann, William Cowper (1855-1898). Papers, 1872-1922
Braybrooke, Neville (1925-2001). Collection, 1901-1968, undated
Brazelton, Churchill J. (1920-1980). Correspondence, 1942-1946
Brenan, Gerald (1894-1987). Collection, 1911-1978
Brenner, Anita (1905-1974). Papers, 1923-1981
Brenner, Leah (1915-2004). Papers, 1929-1999
Brett, Dorothy (1883-1977). Collection, 1898-1968
Bridge, Ann (1889-1974). Papers, 1815-1973
British Sexological Society. Records, 1875-1952, undated
Brontë Family. Collection, 1833-1858
Brooke, Jocelyn (1908-1966). Collection, 1824-1966
Brooke-Rose, Christine (1923-2012). Papers, 1893-2005 (bulk 1957-1992)
Brookner, Anita (1928-2016). Notebooks, circa 1986-1994
Brooks, Richard (1912-1992). Something of Value Production Files, 1956
Broome, William (1689-1745). Collection, 1727-1743
Brophy, John (1899-1965). Collection, 1930-1958, undated
Brosses, Charles de (1709-1777). Collection, circa 1750
Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810). Collection, 1790-1827
Browning Family. Collection, 1816-1935
Bruccoli, Matthew J. (1931-2008). Papers, 1916-2008 (bulk 1960-2008)
Brussel, I. R. (Isidore Rosenbaum) (1895-1972). Papers, 1903-1973
Bryant, William Cullen 1794-1878. Collection, 1812-1877, undated
Buck, Pearl S. (Sydenstricker) (1892-1973). Collection 1930-1945
Bullock, George. Collection, 1932-1953
Burford, William (1927-2004). Collection, 1946-1980, undated
Burgess, Anthony (1917-1993). Gabriele Pantucci Collection of Anthony Burgess, (1960-2013 (bulk 1980-1994)
Burgess, Anthony (1917-1993). Papers, 1956-1997
Burgess, Gelett (1866-1951). Collection, 1854-1950, undated
Burke, Thomas (1886-1945). Collection, 1909-1944
Burne-Jones, Edward Coley (1833-1898). Collection, 1866-1898
Burns, Robert (1759-1796). Collection, 1786-1851, undated
Burnshaw, Stanley (1906-2005). Papers, 1927-1987
Burroughs, John (1837-1921). Collection, 1888-1953, undated
Burroughs, William S. (1914-1997). Collection, 1963-1964
Burton, Frederic William (1816-1900). Collection, 1867-1900
Burton, Richard Francis, Sir (1821-1890). Collection, 1885-1888
Butler, Samuel (1835-1902). Collection, 1882-1925, undated
Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron (1788-1824). Collection, 1642-1968 (bulk 1798-1830)
Cabell, James Branch (1879-1958) Collection, 1915-1969, undated
Caldwell, Erskine (1903-1987). Collection, 1950-1958, undated
Callow, Philip (1924-2007). Papers, 1949-2006
Campbell, Roy (1901-1957). Collection, 1920-1987
Cape, Jonathan (1879-1960). Collection, 1922-1933
Capote, Truman (1924-1984). Collection, 1936-1987
Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929). Collection, 1893-1927
Carrington, Dora de Houghton (1893-1932). Collection, 1912-1965
Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898). Byron W. and Susan R. Sewell Collection of Lewis Carroll
Carroll, Paul Vincent (1900-1968). Collection, 1930-1959
Carter, John (1905-1975). Collection, 1885-1974
Cásares, Oscar (1964- ). Papers, 1996-2020, undated
Cassady, Neal (1926-1968). Collection, 1947-1965
Cassell, Peter & Galpin. Collection, 1862-1906, undated
Catán, Daniel (1949-2011). Papers, 1975-2010
Cayton, Horace R. (1903-1970). Manuscripts for Long Old Road, 1931-1965
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961). Milton Hindus Collection of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, 1937-1950
Cenci Family. Collection, circa 1650-1821
Charques, Dorothy (1899-1976). Collection, 1935-1960, undated
Cheever, George Barrell (1807-1890). Collection, circa 1844
Chester, Alfred (1928-1971). Papers, 1950-1966
Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith) (1874-1936). Collection, 1906-1944
Children Family. Collection, 1774-1850
Chodorov, Edward (1904-1988). Papers, 1936-1997
Christ, Ronald J. (1936- ). Papers, 1976-1996
Church, Richard (1893-1972). Collection, 1906-1972
Clarke, Austin (1896-1974). Collection, circa 1916-1961, undated
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (1835-1910). Collection, 1861-1963
Clune, Frank (1894-1971). Collection, 1952-1953
Cobden, Richard (1804-1865). Collection, 1837-1964
Cobden-Sanderson, Richard (1884-1964). Collection, 1885-1969, undated
Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. (Thomas James) (1840-1922). Collection, 1840-1928, undated
Coccioli, Carlo (1920-2003). Papers, 1948-1989
Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle, Sir (1867-1962). Collection, 1879-1964, undated
Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963). Carlton Lake Collection of Jean Cocteau Papers, 1905-1959 (bulk 1910-1928)
Coetzee, J. M. (1940- ). Papers, 1864-2012
Colegrove, A. M. (Allyn Mather) (1826?-1895?). Collection, 1883-1889, undated
Coleridge, Christabel R. (Christabel Rose) (1843-1921). Collection, 1800-1921
Coleridge, Derwent Moultrie (1828-1880). Collection, 1836-1880
Coleridge, Derwent (1800-1883). Collection, 1811-1883
Coleridge, Edith (1832-1911). Collection, 1835-1911
Coleridge, Ernest Hartley (1846-1920). Collection, 1745-1968
Coleridge, Hartley (1796-1849). Collection, 1796-1933
Coleridge, Henry Nelson (1798-1843). Collection, 1808-1849
Coleridge, John Duke (1820-1894). Collection, 1835-1914
Coleridge, John Taylor, Sir (1790-1876). Collection, 1834-1874
Coleridge, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth) (1861-1907). Collection, 1870-1911
Coleridge, Mary Pridham (1807-1887). Collection, 1817-1887
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) Collection, 1786-1949
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834). Earl Leslie Griggs Collection of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, undated
Coleridge, Sara Fricker (1770-1845). Collection, 1794-1931
Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). Collection, 1791-1951
Collier, John (1901-1980). Papers, circa 1920-1976
Collins, Billy. Papers, 1935-2013 (bulk 1962-2013)
Collins, Carvel (1912-1990). Collection of William Faulkner Research Materials
Collins, Wilkie (1824-1889). Collection, 1843-1938, undated
Colum, Padraic (1881-1972). Collection, 1904-1969, undated
Colvin, Sidney (1845-1927). Collection, 1872-1919
Commentary Magazine. Archive, 1942-2004
Commonwealth Arts Festival (1965: London, England). Records, 1964-1965
Conkle, E. P. (Ellsworth Prouty) (1899-1994). Collection, 1890-1992, undated (bulk 1903-1976)
Connell, Evan S. (1924-2013). Manuscripts for The Diary of a Rapist, 1965-1966
Connely, Willard (1888-1967). Collection, 1912-1962, undated
Connolly, Cyril (1903-1974). Collection, 1934-1975, undated
Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924). Collection, 1895-1970, undated
Contempo. Records, 1931-1933
Cooper, William (1910-2002). Collection, 1932-1982, undated
Cooper, William (1910-2002). Papers, 1937-1991
Cope, Jack (1913-1991). Collection, 1955-1960
Copland, Aaron (1900-1990). Collection, 1918-1958
Coppard, A. E. (Alfred Edgar) (1878-1957). Collection, 1901-1963, undated
Corke, Helen (1882-1978). Collection, 1908-1968, undated
Corman, Cid (1924-2004). Collection, 1941-2002, undated
Cornhill Magazine (1860-1975). Collection, 1840-1909
Corno Emplumado, El = The Plumed Horn. Records, circa 1962-1968 (bulk 1962-1967)
Corso, Gregory (1930-2001). Collection, 1890-1978
Costain, Thomas Bertram. (1885-1965). Collection, 1885-1966
Cousins, Margaret (1905-1996). Papers, 1921-1973
Covici, Pascal (1888-1964). Correspondence, 1924-1966
Cowles, Fleur (1908-2009). Selwa Roosevelt Collection of Fleur Cowles, 1964-1998
Crace, Jim (1946- ). Papers, 1954-2013
Craig, Alec (1897-1973). Collection, 1931?-1960
Craig, Edward Gordon (1872-1966). Collection, 1878-1973, undated
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock (1826-1887). Collection, 1820-1900, undated
Crane, Hart (1899-1932). Collection, 1923-1961, undated
Cranston, Maurice (1920-1993). Collection, 1948-1963, undated
Cranston, Maurice (1920-1993). Papers, 1943-1997
Crews, Judson (1917-2010). Papers, 1935-1981
Critic, The. Collection of Responses from American Authors, 1888
Croce, Benedetto (1866-1952). Collection, 1916-1929, undated
Croft-Cooke, Rupert (1903-1979). Papers, 1906-1975, undated
Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) (1896-1981). Collection, 1933-1958, undated
Cronin, Vincent (1924-2011). Papers, 1954-1975, undated
Crosland, T. W. H. (Thomas William Hodgson) (1865-1924). Collection, 1904-1922, undated
Crowley, Aleister (1875-1947). Collection, 1889-1989
Crowley, John (1942- ). Papers, 1962-2000
Cruikshank, George (1792-1878). Collection, 1839-1871, undated
Cummings. E. E. (Edward Estlin) (1894-1962). Collection, 1902-1968
Cunard, Nancy (1896-1965). Collection, 1895-1965
Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) (1852-1936). Collection, 1882-1934
Currey, Lloyd W. (1942- ). Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1969-1993
Cusk, Rachel (1967- ). Papers, 1974-2018
Dahlberg, Edward (1900-1977). Collection, 1926-1975, undated
Daiches, David (1912-2005). Collection, 1941-1966, undated
Daiken, Leslie (1912-1964). Papers, 1935-1963
Dalton, Jack P. James Joyce Research Papers, circa 1960-1976, undated
Dalton, Robin (1920- ). Correspondence, 1960-2006
Dancer, John Benjamin (1812-1887). Collection, 1764-1928, undated
Dannay, Frederic (1905-1982). Collection, 1860-1975
Davenport, Guy (1927-2005). Collection 1919-2007, undated (bulk 1964-2004)
Davenport, Guy (1927-2005). Papers, 1777-2004 (bulk 1945-2004)
Davies, Rhys (1901-1978). Collection, 1927-1978, undated
Davis, H. L. (Harold Lenoir) (1896-1960). Collection, 1927-1972, undated
Day Lewis, C. (Cecil) (1904-1972). Collection, 1927-1971, undated
De la Mare, Walter (1873-1956). Collection, 1907-1964, undated
De Morgan, Willam Frend (1839-1917). Collection, 1905-1914, undated
De Quincey, Thomas (1785-1859). Collection, 1820-1851, undated
DeLillo, Don (1936- ). Papers, circa 1959-2013
Desai, Anita (1937- ). Collection, 1958-1996
Dewar, Alexander Cumming (1803-1880). Collection, 1825-1857
Dick, Kay (1915-2001). Addition to Her Papers, 1915-2001
Dick, Kay (1915-2001). Collection, 1943-1966, undated
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870). Collection 1836-1968, undated
Dickerson, Gordon. Collection of Modern British Playwrights,  1957-1995, undated
Dickinson, Patric (1914-1994). Papers, circa 1933-1970
Dillon, Millicent (1925- ). Addition to Her Papers, 1963-2002
Dillon, Millicent (1925- ). Papers, 1905-1990
Dimnet, Ernest (1866-1954). Collection, 1932-1941, undated
Dixon, William Hepworth (1821-1879). Collection, 1870
Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank) (1888-1964). Papers, circa 1700-1988 (bulk 1910-1964)
Dobrée, Bonamy (1891-1974). Papers, 1928-1969
Dobson, Austin (1840-1921). Collection, 1874-1960, undated
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (1832-1898). Collection, 1850-1971
Dos Passos, John (1896-1970). Collection, 1930-1966, undated
Doughty, Charles Montagu (1843-1926). Collection, 1919-1926, undated
Douglas, Alfred Bruce, Lord (1870-1945). Collection, 1895-1946
Douglas, Norman (1869-1952). Collection, 1886-1954, undated
Downing, Robert (1914-1975). Papers, 1881, 1920-1975, undated (bulk dates 1931-1975)
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir (1859-1930). Collection, 1835-1964, undated
Draznin, Yaffa Claire (1922-2010). Collection of Olive Schreiner and Havelock Ellis Papers, 1875-1990 (bulk 1983-1990)
Dreiser, Theodore (1871-1945). Collection, 1898-1944
Dreyfus, Alfred (1859-1935 ). Ferdinand Forzinetti Collection of Alfred Dreyfus and the Dreyfus Affair, 1894-1947
Drinkwater, John (1882-1937). Collection, 1912-1936, undated
Dubus, Andre (1936-1999). Papers, 1925-2001
Dujardin, Édouard (1861-1949). Papers, 1861-1951
Dulac, Edmund (1882-1953). Collection, 1818; 1889-1948
Dumas, Alexandre (1802-1870 ). I. H. Slater Collection of Alexandre Dumas, 1918-1968
Duncan, Ronald (1914-1982). Collection, 1936-1983, undated
Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Barron (1878-1957). Collection, 1907-1968, undated
Durrell, Lawrence (1912-1990). Collection, circa 1943-1968
Egan, Pierce (1772-1849). Collection, 1834-1960
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955). Collection, 1906-1979
Elguera, Amalia. (1930-1996). Papers, 1950s-1996
Eliot, George (1819-1880). Collection, 1854-1880
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns) (1888-1965). Collection, 1905; 1917-1979
Ellis, Havelock (1859-1939). Collection, 1875-1992, undated (bulk 1875-1955)
Ellis, Royston (1941- ). Papers, 1952-1967
Ellison, Ralph (1913-1994). Collection, 1952-1961
Encino Press. Records, 1965-1969
English Stage Company at the Royal Court Theatre. Correspondence, 1955-1959
Epstein, Jacob (1880-1959). Collection, 1913-1941, undated
Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonzo de (1533-1594). Collection, circa 1940
Ernst, Morris Leopold (1888-1976). Papers, 1904-2000
Ervine, St. John G. (St. John Greer) (1883-1971). Collection, 1911-1960, undated
Everson, William (1912-1994). Collection, 1948-1985, undated
Ewart, Wilfrid (1892-1922). Collection, 1907-1967
Farrell, James T. (James Thomas) (1904-1979). Collection, 1923-1966, undated
Farrell, Kathleen (1912-1999). Papers, 1940-1999
Faulkner, William (1897-1962). Collection, 1912-1970
Fawcett, Edgar (1847-1904). Collection, 1879-1887, undated
Fay, Edwin (1832-1898). Collection, 1862-1894, undated
Field, Eugene (1850-1895). Collection, 1837-1951, undated
Finney, Theodore M. (Theodore Mitchell) (1902-1978). Music Manuscript Collection, circa 1700-1850
Firbank, Ronald (1886-1926). Collection, 1902-1924
Fisk, George (1799-1872). Collection, 1843-1855
Fitch, Noël Riley (1937- ). Papers, 1930-2001
Fitzgerald, Penelope (1916-2000). Papers, 1912-1988
Fitzgerald, Penelope. (1916-2000). Addition to Her Papers, 1898-2001
FitzGibbon, Constantine (1919-1983). Collection, 1946-1973
Flaugergues, Honoré (1755-1830). Collection, 1787-1830
Flecker, James Elroy (1884-1915). Collection, 1907-1925, undated
Fleming, John Francis (1910-1987). Papers, 1947-1968
Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith) (1863-1935). Collection, 1921-1935, undated
Fletcher, John Gould (1886-1950). Collection, 1910-1953, undated
Flint, F. S. (Frank Stewart) (1885-1960). Collection, 1905-1969, undated
Ford, Charles Henri (1913-2002). Papers, 1928-1981
Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1936). Collection, 1894-1936, undated
Ford, Ruth (1911-2009). Collection, 1944-1991
Foreman, Paul (1943-2012). Papers, 1919-1979
Forester, C. S. (Cecil Scott) (1899-1966). Collection, 1903-1966, undated
Forster, E. M. (1879-1970). Papers, 1908-1971
Fowles, John (1926-2005). Collection, 1979-2001
Fowles, John (1926-2005). Papers, 1926-1992
Fowles, John (1926-2005). Ray Roberts Collection of John Fowles, 1956-2004
France, Anatole (1844-1924). Collection, 1886-1909
Frank, Gerold (1907-1998). Collection, 1937-1968, undated
Frankau, Gilbert (1884-1952). Collection, 1912-1939
Franklin Book Programs. Records, 1952-1978
Fraser, G. S. (George Sutherland) (1915-1980). Collection, 1953?-1966?, undated
Fraser, Ronald (1888-1974). Papers, circa 1930-1955
Freeling, Nicolas (1927-2003). Papers, 1952-2003
Frey, Julia Bloch (1943- ). Papers, 1979-1998
Frost, Robert (1874-1963). Collection, 1923-1957
Furst, Alan (1941- ). Papers, 1961-2005
Gaddis, William (1922-1998). Steven Moore Collection of William Gaddis, 1943-1995
Galsworthy, John (1867-1833). Collection, 1897-1946, undated
García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-2014). Collection, 1957-2015
García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-2014). Papers (Documento descriptivo en español), 1930s-2014 (bulk 1966-2006)
García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-2014). Papers (English language finding aid), 1930s-2014 (bulk 1966-2006)
García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-2014). Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza Collection of Gabriel García Márquez Correspondence, 1961-1971, undated
Gardiner, Charles Wrey (1901-1981). Collection, 1938-1961, undated
Gardner, Derek. Collection, circa 1950-1965
Gardner, Erle Stanley (1889-1970). Addition to His Papers, 1904-1992, undated
Gardner, Erle Stanley (1889-1970). Papers, 1838, 1931-1972, undated
Garland, Hamlin (1860-1940). Collection, 1904-1922, undated
Garland, Peter (1952- ). Papers and Soundings Records, 1920s-1997
Garnett, Constance (1861-1946). Collection, 1899-1945, undated
Garnett, David (1892-1981). Collection, 1909-1964, undated
Garnett, Edward (1868-1937). Collection, 1889-1937, undated
Garnett, Olive (1871-1958). Collection, 1890-1928, undated
Garnett, Rachel Alice Marshall (1891-1940). Collection, 1927-1938, undated
Garnett, Richard (1835-1906). Collection, 1673-2001 (bulk 1850-1906), undated
Garvin, J. L. (James Louis) (1868-1947). Papers, 1877-1947, undated (bulk 1908-1947)
Gassner, John (1903-1967). Papers, 1894-1983 (bulk 1950-1967), undated
Gathorne-Hardy, Robert (1902-1973). Collection, 1935?-1957
Gawsworth, John (1912-1970). Collection, circa 1875-1965, undated
Gelb, Arthur and Barbara. Papers, 1954-1986
Genesis West (1962-1965). Collection, 1960-1966
Genesis: Grasp (1968-1971). Collection, 1965-1972
George Macy Companies, Inc. Limited Editions Club and The Heritage Press: Records, 1928-1970
George, William (d. 1900). Collection, 1771-1917, undated
Gerhardie, William Alexander (1895-1977). Collection, 1913-1962, undated
Gershwin, George (1898-1937). Roger Horchow Collection of George Gershwin, 1928-2001
Ghose, Zulfikar (1935-2022). Addition to His Papers, 1963-2004
Ghose, Zulfikar (1935-2022). Collection, 1959-1992
Ghose, Zulfiker (1935-2022). Addition to His Papers, 1956-2005
Gibbon, Perceval (1879-1926). Papers, circa 1900-1926
Gibbons, Reginald (1947- ). Collection of William Goyen (1915-1983) and Thomas McGrath (1916-1990) 1945-2004
Gibson, James (1919-2005). Let the Poet Choose Correspondence, 1966-1973, undated
Giffen, R. L. (d. 1946). Collection, 1915-1943, undated
Gil Robles, José María (1898-1980). Collection, 1974, undated
Gilbert, Stuart (1883-1969). Papers, 1900-1985
Gill, Eric (1882-1940). Collection, 1898-1965, undated
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860-1935). Collection, 1899-1910, undated
Gilot, Françoise (1921- ). Carlton Lake Collection of Françoise Gilot Papers, 1944-1965
Ginsberg, Allen (1926-1997). Collection, 1944-1979
Gipson, Fred (1908-1973). Papers, 1920-1973
Gissing, George (1857-1903). Collection, 1880-1901
Glenville, Peter (1913-1996). Papers, 1914-2001
Gogarty, Oliver St. John (1878-1957). Collection, 1904-1965, undated
Golden Cockerel Press (1921-1961). Collection, 1923-1991, undated (bulk 1933-1959)
Golding, Louis (1895-1958). Collection, 1908-1956, undated
Goldstone, Adrian H. (1897-1977). Collection, 1922-1977
Gordimer, Nadine (1923-2014). Short Stories and Novel, 1958-1965
Gordon, Dorothy (1895- ). Collected Letters and Works, 1931-1950
Gorey, Edward (1925-2000). Collection, 1914-1977
Gosse, Edmund (1849-1928). Collection, 1858-1931
Gotham Book Mart. Records, 1936-2004, undated
Goyen, William (1915-1983). Papers, 1924-1978, 1994, undated
Graham, Stephen (1884-1975). Collection, 1892-1967, undated
Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932). Collection, 1898-1943, undated
Granville-Barker, Harley (1877-1946). Collection, 1895-1959, undated
Grattan, C. Hartley (Clinton Hartley) (1902-1980). Papers, circa 1920-1978
Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary (pseudonym Richard Dehan) (1863-1932). Collection, 1894-1931, undated
Graves, John (1920-2013). Papers, circa 1955-1975; 1995
Graves, Robert (1895-1985). Collection, 1916-1985
Gray, Spalding (1941-2004). John Boland Collection of Spalding Gray, 1968-2008
Gray, Spalding (1941-2004). Papers, 1959-2005
Gray, Stephen (1941-2020). Papers, 1960-2000
Greene, Graham (1904-1991). Collection, 1924-1998
Gregory, Lady (1852-1932). Collection, 1904-1944
Grey, Zane (1872-1939). Collection, circa 1903-1909
Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir (1866-1960). Collection, 1895-1960, undated
Griffin, John Howard (1920-1980). Collection, 1952-1980
Griffis, Elliot (1893-1967). Collection, 1913-1968
Grigson, Geoffrey (1905-1985). Collection, 1931-1968, undated
Grossmith, George (1847-1912) and Weedon (1852-1919). Collection, 1886-1890s, undated
Guion, David Wendell (1892-1981). Addition to His Collection, circa 1930-1932
Guion, David Wendell (1892-1981). Collection, circa 1902-1937
Gullón, Ricardo (1908-1991). Papers, 1958-1983
Gunn, Neil Miller (1891-1973). Collection, 1926-1954, undated
Gussow, Mel (1933-2005). Collection, circa 1920s-2008
Guy of Warwick. English Translation, 1821-1968
Gwyn, Nell (1650-1687). Jacob Henry Burn Collection of Nell Gwyn, 1675-1872
Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider) (1856-1925). Collection, 1886-1924
Hall, John (1925- ). Collection, 1952-1966, undated
Hall, Radclyffe (1880-1943) and Troubridge, Una Vincenzo, Lady (1887-1963). Papers, 1806-1962 (bulk 1912-1951), undated
Hamilton, Arthur Douglas Bruce (1900-1974). Papers, 1929-1990
Hamilton, Gerald (1890-1970). Collection, 1913-1970
Hamilton, Patrick (1904-1962). Collection, 1915-1984
Hammett, Dashiell (1894-1961). Papers, 1923-1974
Hammond, Thomas (b. 1748). Collection, 1765-1780, undated
Hampson, John (1901-1955). Collection, 1929-1950, undated
Hanley, James (1901-1985). Collection, 1857-1974, undated
Hardwick, Elizabeth (1916-2007). Addition to Her Papers, 1959-2001
Hardwick, Elizabeth (1916-2007). Papers, 1934-1991
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928). Collection, 1867-1937
Hare, David (1947- ). Addition to His Papers
Hare, David (1947- ). Papers, 1968-1996
Harper & Brothers. Records, 1928-1962(bulk 1957-1959)
Harper, Allanah. (1904-1992). Papers, 1904-1992
Harris, Frank (1855-1931). Collection, 1888-1955
Harris, Joel Chandler (1848-1908). Collection, 1884-1932, undated
Harris, Wilson (1921-2018). Collection, 1960-1997
Harrison, Michael (1907-1991). Collection, 1939-1962
Harte, Bret (1836-1902). Collection, 1860-1916
Hastings, Michael (1938-2011). Papers, 1956-1961
Hawker, Robert Stephen (1803-1875). Collection, 1855-1975
Hayne, Paul Hamilton (1830-1886). Collection, 1877-1939, undated
Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904). Collection, 1879-1953
Hearon, Shelby (1931-2016). Addition to Her Papers, 1994-2003
Hearon, Shelby (1931-2016). Papers, 1966-1996
Heath-Stubbs, John (1918-2006). Collection, 1932-1981, undated
Hecht, Ben (1894-1964). Collection, 1924-1958
Hellman, Lillian (1905-1984). Papers, 1904-1984
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961). Collection, 1860-1965
Hemingway, Leicester (1915-1982). New Atlantis Collection, 1964-1966
Henderson, Alice Corbin (1881-1949). Collection, 1861-1987
Henry, O. (1862-1910). Collection, 1884-1959
Heppenstall, Rayner (1911-1981). Collection, 1929-1969, undated
Herbert, A. P. (Alan Patrick) (1890-1971). Collection, 1931-1960, undated
Herdeck, Donald E. (1924-2005). Three Continents Press and Passeggiata Press Records, 1924-2007 (bulk 1970-2007)
Hergesheimer, Joseph (1880-1945). Collection, 1902-1975
Hermann, Gottfried (1722-1848). Collection, 1849
Herriot, Edouard (1872-1957). Collection, undated
Herrmann, John (1900-1959). Collection, 1923-1971, undated
Herschel Family. Papers, 1721-1951
Hewlett, Maurice Henry (1861-1923). Collection, 1854-1923, undated
Higgins, Aidan (1927-2015). Papers, 1960s-2010s
Hinde, Thomas (1926-2014). Collection, 1952-1968, undated
History of Logic Manuscripts Collection, ca. 1630-1786
Hobdell, Roger. Collection, 1960-1962, undated
Hobsbaum, Philip (1932-2005). Collection of Correspondence and Manuscripts of The Group, circa 1955-1968
Hobson, Thayer (1897-1967). Papers, 1913-1967
Holme, Constance (1880-1955). Collection, 1899-1954, undated
Hone, Joseph Maunsell (1882-1959). Collection, 1899-1958
Hope, Anthony (1863-1933). Collection, 1893-1924
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889). Collection, 1838-1945
Hopkins, Gerard (1892-1961). Collection, ca. 1960-1961
Hopkins, Kenneth (1914-1988). Papers, 1933-1988
Houghton, Claude (1889-1961). Collection, 1911-1975
House of Bonaparte. Collection, 1785-1879, undated
Housman, Laurence (1865-1959). Collection, 1898-1959
Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) (1906-1936). Glenn Lord Collection of Robert E. Howard, 1920-1965, undated
Howarth, R. G. (Robert Guy) (1906-1974). Papers, 1916-1974
Howe, Julia Ward (1819-1910). Collection, 1860-1910, undated
Howell, Charles Augustus (1840?-1890). Collection, 1857-1882
Hubbard, Elbert. (1856-1915). Collection, 1886-1988, undated
Hudson, W. H. (William Henry) (1841-1922). Collection, 1887-1923, undated
Hughes, Langston (1902-1967). Collection, 1961, undated
Hughes, Richard Arthur Warren (1900-1976). Collection, 1924-1937, undated
Hugnet, Georges (1906-1974). Carlton Lake Collection of Georges Hugnet Papers, 1920-1971
Hugo, Valentine (1887-1968). Carlton Lake Collection of Valentine Hugo Papers, 1872-1968
Hugo, Victor (1802-1885). Collection, 1826-1876
Humphrey, William (1924-1997). Papers, 1932-1992
Hunt, Violet (1862-1942). Collection, 1910-1946, undated
Hurlbert, William Henry (1828-1895). Collection, 188?-1894, undated
Hurst, Fannie (1889-1968). Papers, ca. 1910-1965
Hutchinson, Mary (1889-1977). Papers, 1910-1977
Hutchinson, R. C. (Ray Coryton) (1907-1975). Collection, 1922-1975
Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963). Collection, 1915-1973
Hyde, H. Montgomery (1907-1989). Collection, 1910-1971
Inge, William (1913-1973). Collection, 1954-1962
Irving, Washington (1783-1859). Collection, 1811-1859
Isherwood, Christopher (1904-1986). Collection, 1883-1970
Ishiguro, Kazuo (1954- ). Papers, 1955-2015
Ives, George Cecil (1867-1950). Papers, 1874-1949
Jablonski, Edward (1922-2004) and Lawrence D. Stewart (1926-2013). Collection of Gershwin Research Materials, 1931-1973
Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark) (1863-1943). Collection, 1894-1939
Jacobson, Dan (1929-2014). Addition to His Papers, 1964-1994
Jacobson, Dan (1929-2014). Papers, 1941-1994
James F. Drake, Inc. Catalog Slips, circa 1911-1965
James F. Drake, Inc. Collection of Autograph Letters and Autographs, circa 1678-1930
James F. Drake, Inc. Correspondence and Business Records, circa 1905-1965
James F. Drake, Inc. Sales Records, circa 1910-1957
James, Henry (1843-1916). Collection, 1869-1915
James, William (1842-1910). Collection, 190?-1967
Jameson, Storm (1891-1986). Collection, 1919-1986, undated
Jeffers, Robinson (1887-1962). Collection, 1885-1967, undated
Jennings, Elizabeth (1926-2001). Collection, 1954-1959
Jepson, Edgar (1863-1938). Collection, 1900-1938, undated
Jepson, Selwyn (1899-1989). Papers, 1939-1959, undated
Jerdan, William (1782-1869). Collection, 1827-1865, undated
Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) (1859-1927). Collection, 1888-1929
John Lane Company. Records, 1856-1933.
Johnson, B. S. (Brian Stanley) (1933-1973). Collection, 1959-1977, undated
Johnson, Denis (1949-2017). Papers, 1939-2009
Johnson, Diane (1934- ). Papers, circa 1943-1997
Johnson, Pamela Hansford (1912-1981). Collection, 1948-1968, undated
Johnson, Robert Underwood (1853-1937). Collection, 1841-1964, undated
Johnson, Walter Willard ("Spud") (1897-1968). Papers, 1896-1973
Johnson, William Weber (1909-1992). Kelly Blue Papers, 1924-1960, undated
Johnston, Edward (1872-1944). Collection, 1898-1944, undated
Jones, James (1921-1977). Papers, 1890-1981
Jones, Marc Edmund (1888-1980). Collection, 1893-2014 (bulk 1912-1979)
Jones, Margo (1913-1955). Collection, 1932-1955
Jordan, Camille (1771-1821). Collection, circa 1807
Josselson, Michael (1908-1978). Papers, 1914-1991
Joyce, James (1882-1941). Collection, 1899-1968
Joyce, Lucia (1907-1982). Collection, 1925-1995 (bulk 1935-1976)
Joyce, Michael (1945- ). Papers, 1953-2006
Kaplan, Alice Yeager (1954- ). Collection of Céline Survey Materials, circa 1991-1997
Kasper, M. (Michael) (1947). Collection of Guy Davenport and Christopher Middleton, 1979-2013
Katz, Steve (1935- ). Papers, 1935-2007
Kaufman, Enit (1908?-1961). American Portraits Papers, 1914-1958
Kaup, Elizabeth Dewing (1885-1966). Papers, 1892-1966
Kaye-Smith, Sheila (1887-1956). Collection, 1903-1956, undated
Keats, John (1795-1821). Collection, 1816-1895, undated
Kemp, Lysander (1920-1992). Translations and Correspondence Relating to Octavio Paz, 1965-1979
Kenmare, Dallas. Papers, circa 1905-1971
Kennan, Kent 1913-2003 Papers, undated
Kennedy, Adrienne (1931- ). Papers, circa 1954-1997
Kennedy, John Pendleton (1795-1870) and Bliss, Alexander (1827-1896). Collection of Autograph Leaves of our Country’s Authors, 1837-1864, undated
Kenner, Hugh (1923-2003). Papers, 1916-1994
Kenny, Thomas J. Collection, 1975, 1983
Keppel, Charles (1906-1998). Collection, 1972-1984
Kerouac, Jack (1922-1969). Barry Gifford and Lawrence Lee Papers for Jack's Book: An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac, circa 1953-1978 (bulk 1976-1977)
Kerouac, Jack (1922-1969). Collection, 1948-1982
Killigrew, Thomas (1612-1683). Miscellany, compiled 1600s-1700s
King, Francis Henry (1923-2011). Addition to His Papers, 1938-2000
King, Francis Henry (1923-2011). Addition to His Papers, circa 1947-1988
King, Francis Henry (1923-2011). Collection, 1923-1992
King, Francis Henry (1923-2011). Joe H. Baker Jr. Collection of Francis Henry King 1948-1988
King, Rufus (1755-1827). Collection, 1785-1826
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936). Collection, 1828-1966, undated
Klactoveedsedsteen (periodical). Records, 1965-1969
Klein, Charles (1867-1915). Plays, 1900-1921
Klinkowitz, Jerome (1943- ). Papers, 1971-1988
Knight, G. Wilson (George Wilson) (1897-1985). Collection, 1923-1967, undated
Knight, W. F. Jackson (William Francis Jackson) (1895-1964). Collection, 1930-1966, undated
Kops, Bernard (1926- ). Addition to His Papers, 1954-2000
Kops, Bernard (1926- ). Addition to His Papers, 1959-2003
Kresh, Paul (1919-1997). Collection, 1940-1991
Krige, Uys (1910-1987). Collection, 1944-1960
Kruger, Fania (1892-1977). Papers, 1908-1973
La Farge, Oliver (1901-1963). Collection, 1889-1966
Lake, Carlton (1915-2006). Carlton Lake Collection of French Music Manuscripts, 1817-1987 (bulk 1870-1963)
Lake, Carlton (1915-2006). Collection of French Manuscripts, 1377-2000, undated (bulk 1895-1940)
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834). Collection, 1801-1834
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834). Robert Spradlin Collection of Charles Lamb Research Materials, 1936-1977 (bulk 1971-1977).
Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864). Collection, 1799-1962, undated
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912). Collection, 1887-1911, undated
Langton, Basil (1912-2003). Theater Interview Transcripts, 1960-1962
Larson, Charles R. (1938- ). Papers, 1894-2008
Laver, James (1899-1975). Collection, 1921-1967, undated
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert) (1885-1930). Collection, 1904-1981
Lawrence, Frieda (1879-1956). Collection, 1870-1969
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) (1888-1935). Collection, 1912-1966
Le Gallienne, Richard (1866-1947). Collection, 1874-1948, undated
Le Queux, William (1864-1927). Collection, 1904-1917
Lea, Tom (1907-2001). Papers, 1889-1974
Lear, Edward (1812-1888). Collection, 1830-1883, undated
Leary, Timothy (1920-1996). Collection, 1963-1973
Lehmann, John (1907-1987). Collection, 1916-1985, undated
Lehmann, Rosamond (1901-1990). Collection, 1941-1980, undated
Lessing, Doris (1919-2013). Collection, 1961-2000
Lessing, Doris (1919-2013). Papers, 1940s-1999
Lessner, George (1904-1997). Papers, 1915-1989
Leventhal, Abraham Jacob (1896-1979). Collection, 1918-1982
Levi, Carlo (1902-1975). Collection, 1943-1944
Lewis (Sinclair) Family. Papers, 1909-1962
Lewis, Wyndham (1882-1957). Collection, 1915-1977, undated
Lewisohn, Ludwig (1882-1955). Collection, 1924-1939
Librairie Dorbon-aîné. Carlton Lake Collection of Librairie Dorbon-aîné Records, 1894-1954
Lindsay, Jack (1900-1990). Collection, 1932-1968, undated
Lindsay, Philip (1906-1958). Collection, 1924-1961, undated
Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931). Collection, 1914-1964
Lister, R. P. (Richard Percival) (1914-2014). Collection, 1944-1949
Little Magazine, The. Records, 1965-1988
Little, Brown and Company. Collection of David Foster Wallace, 1987-2008
Lively, Penelope (1933- ). Papers, 1940-2013
Livingston, Arthur (1883-1944). Papers, 1494-1986
Llewellyn, Richard (1906-1983). Papers, 1939-1952
Locke, William John (1863-1930). Collection, 1861-1930, undated
Logue, Christopher (1926-2011). Collection, 1956-1966, undated
London Magazine. Records, circa 1961-1972, undated
London, Jack (1876-1916). Collection, 1900-1951
Londonderry, Robert Stewart, Marquis of (1769-1822). Collection, 1775-1828, undated
Long, John Luther (1861-1927). Papers, 1870-1958
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882). Collection, 1852-1881, undated
Louÿs, Pierre (1870-1925). Carlton Lake Collection of Pierre Louÿs Papers, 1839-1934 (bulk 1891-1919)
Low, John Farnsworth (1862-1939). Collection, 1883-1922, undated
Lowell, James Russell (1819-1891). Collection, 1823-1929, undated
Lowell, Robert (1917-1977). Blair Clark Collection of Robert Lowell, 1938-1983
Lowell, Robert (1917-1977). Papers, 1845-1988
Lowndes, Marie Belloc (1868-1947). Collection, 1880-1991, undated
Lowry, Malcolm (1909-1957). Collection, 1940-1956
Lucas, E. V. (Edward Verrall) (1868-1938). Collection, 1905-1937, undated
Lucie-Smith, Edward (1933- ). Collection, 1963-1969, undated
Lundell, Cyrus Longworth (1907-1994). Collection, circa 1944-1988, undated
Maas, Willard 1906-1971 Collection 1868-1968 (bulk 1922-1968)
Macauley, Robie (1919-1995). Collection, 1952-1969, undated
MacDonald, Greville (1856-1944). Papers, 1905-1949
Macdonell, Archibald Gordon (1895-1941). Papers, circa 1934-1943
Machen, Arthur (1863-1947). Collection, 1881-1975, undated
Mackenzie, Compton (1883-1972). Papers, 1816-1970, undated
Maclaren-Ross, J. (Julian) (1912-1964). Collection, 1940-1964, undated
MacLeish, Archibald (1892-1982). Collection, 1924-1971, undated
MacLeish, Archibald (1892-1982). Roy H. Winnick Collection of Archibald MacLeish, 1976-2008
MacNamara, Brinsley (1890-1963). Collection, 1868-1968, undated
MacNeice, Louis (1907-1963). Collection, 1916-1977, undated
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Adeline Lubell-Naiman Collection of Norman Mailer, 1946-1996
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Hilary Mills Loomis Collection of Norman Mailer, 1982
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). J. Michael Lennon Correspondence with Norman Mailer, 1971-2000
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Laura G. Adams Dunham Collection of Norman Mailer, 1966-2007
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Molly Malone Cook Collection of Norman Mailer, 1926-1999
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Papers, 1919-2006
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Playboy Enterprises Norman Mailer Files, 1962-1979
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Thomas Fiske Collection of Norman Mailer, 1935-2005
Mailer, Norris Church (1949-2010). Papers, 1918-2008 (bulk 1985-2006)
Malamud, Bernard (1914-1986). Addition to His Papers, 1938-1999
Malamud, Bernard (1914-1986). Papers, 1938-1999
Malamud, Bernard (1914-1986). Paul Malamud Collection of Bernard Malamud Letters, 1952-2005
Malanga, Gerard (1943- ). Collection, 1953-1976, undated
Malaquais, Jean (1908-1998). Papers, 1917-2010
Maltz, Albert (1908-1985). This Gun for Hire Collection 1941
Mamet, David (1947- ). Papers, 1918-2007
Manning, Hugo (1913-1977). Addition to His Papers, 1936-1994 (bulk 1936-1977)
Manning, Hugo (1913-1977). Papers, 1942-1977
Manning, Olivia (1908-1980). Collection, circa 1949-1980, undated
Mansfield, Katherine (1888-1923). Collection, 1834-1969, undated
Marcel, Gabriel (1889-1973). Collection, 1898-1973
Margulies, Irwin (1907-1979). Collection, 1960-1972
Markham, Edwin (1852-1940). Collection, 1900-1942
Marsh, Edward Howard, Sir (1872-1953). Collection, 1886-1953
Maschler, Tom (1933- ). Collection, 1955-2005, undated
Masefield, John (1878-1967). Collection, 1896-1971, undated
Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley (1865-1948). Collection, 1892-1948, undated
Masters, Edgar Lee (1868-1950). Collection, 1834-1971 (bulk 1883-1950), undated
Masters, Hilary (1928-2015). Manuscripts, 1965-1968
Matthews, Herbert L. (1900-1977). Collection, 1929-1949
Matthews, J. H. (1930-1987). Papers, 1950-1987
Matthiessen, Peter (1927-2014). Papers, 1925-2014 (bulk 1948-2014)
Matthiessen, Peter (1927-2014). Wendy Burden Collection of Peter Matthiessen Letters, 1944-1948
Mattingly, Garrett (1900-1962). Collection, circa 1959
Maugham, Robin (1916-1981). Collection, 1932-1975
Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) (1874-1965). Collection, 1899-1965, undated
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico (1832-1867). Collection 1856-1968, undated
Mayne, Ethel Colburn (d. 1941). Collection, 1903-1913, undated
McCarthy, Mary (1912-1989). Manuscripts for The Group, 1953-1964
McCullers, Carson (1917-1967). Collection, 1924-1976
McCutcheon, George Barr (1866-1928). Papers, circa 1887-1957
McDonald, Edward David. Collection, 1913-1949, undated
McEwan, Ian (1948- ). Papers, 1930s-2014 (bulk 1968-2013)
McFee, William (1881-1966). Collection, 1910-1958, undated
McLain, Barbara. Papers, circa 1919-1970
McMurtry, Larry (1936-2021). Collection, 1960-1976
McNally, Terrence (1938-2020). Papers, 1950s-2002
McSweeney's (Firm). Collection, 1994-2003
McSweeney's (Firm). Records, circa 1930s-2013 (bulk 2000-2012)
Meeske, Marilyn (1928- ). Papers, 1954-1991 (bulk 1958-1970s)
Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis) (1880-1956). Collection, 1918-1954
Meredith, George (1828-1909). Collection, 1843-1986, undated
Metcalfe, (William) John (1891-1965). Papers, 1846-1965
Meyer, Annie Nathan (1867-1951). Collection of Responses from American and English Authors, 1914-1918, undated
Meyerstein, Edward Harry William (1889-1952). Collection, 1928-1959
Meynell, Esther (d. 1955). Collection, 1931-1950, undated
Middleton, Christopher (1926-2015). Addition to His Papers, 1962-2003
Middleton, Christopher (1926-2015). Papers, 1954-1974
Miller, Arthur (1915-2005). Collection, 1947-2005, undated
Miller, Arthur (1915-2005). Papers, circa 1910s-2013 [bulk 1943-2005]
Miller, Henry (1891-1980). Alexander B. Miller Collection of Henry Miller, 1936-2007
Miller, Henry (1891-1980). Collection, 1931-1979, undated
Miller, Henry (1891-1980). Sandford Collection of Henry Miller, 1870s-1991
Miller, Wolfe (fl. 1958). Collection, circa 1958-1960
Milliken, J. F. (James Foster) (1847-1917). Collection, 1884-1894, undated
Mills, Robert Park (1920-1986). Papers, circa 1961-1983
Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander) (1882-1956). Ann Thwaite Collection of A. A. (Alan Alexander) Milne, 1905-2004
Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander) (1882-1956). Collection, 1886-1961
Milutinovic, Iris (1910-1986). Papers, 1946-1984
Mitchison, Naomi (1897-1999). Collection, 1908-1990, undated
Mitford, Jessica. (1917-1996). Papers, 1949-1973
Moeller, Philip (1880-1958). Collection, 1892-1955, undated
Moldenke, Harold N. (Harold Norman) (1909-1996). Papers, undated
Monkhouse, W. Cosmo (William Cosmo) (1840-1901). Collection, 1789-1911
Moore, Brian (1921-1999). Papers, 1935-1998
Moore, George (1852-1933). Collection, 1886-1962, undated
Moore, John Cecil (1907-1967). Collection, 1929-1966, undated
Moore, Marianne (1887-1972). Collection, 1921-1971
Moore, Ruth (1903-1989). Papers, 1943-1962
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852). Collection, 1818-1954, undated
Moraes, Dom (1938-2004). Collection, circa 1956-1965
Morford, Henry (1823-1881). Collection, 1795?; 1816; 1840-1867 (bulk 1860s)
Morley, Christopher (1890-1957). Book-of-the-Month Club Materials, 1925-1955, undated
Morley, Christopher (1890-1957). Collection, 1787-1996 (bulk 1852-1969), undated
Morrell, Ottoline Violet Anne Cavendish-Bentinck, Lady (1873-1938). Collection, 1882-1946
Morris, William (1834-1896). Collection, 1869-1917
Mortimer, John (1923-2009). Papers, 1957-1967
Murdoch, Kenneth Royal (1898-1981). Papers, 1940-1982
Murray, Charles Fairfax (1849-1919). Collection, 1852-1915
Murry, John Middleton (1889-1957). Collection, 1912-1957, undated
Music Manuscripts. Collection, 1668-1967
Myers, Elizabeth (1912-1947). Collection, 1926-1952, undated
Nabokov, Nicolas (1903-1978). Papers, 1907; 1950-1978
Nabokov, Vladimir (1899-1977). Collection, 1948-1979, undated
Nash, George Nathaniel (1888- ). Papers, 1917-1920
Nash, Ogden (1902-1971). Collection, 1882-1969
Nathan, Robert (1894-1985). Collection, 1931-1967
Nehls, Edward. Collection, 1907-1962, undated
New Departures (1959-1984). Collection, 1957-1962
New Mexico D. H. Lawrence Fellowship Fund. Collection, 1910-1960, undated
New York Poets Theatre. Records, circa 1960-1965, undated
Newhouse, Edward (1911-2002). Papers, 1934-2002
Nichols, Beverley (1898-1983). Collection, 1918-1966, undated
Nichols, Robert Malise Bowyer (1893-1944). Collection, 1914-1944
Nimbus Magazine Records, 1945-1962
Nin, Anaïs (1903-1977). Collection, 1932-1973
Norman, Charles (1904-1996). Collection, 1909-1972
Norris, Charles Gilman (1881-1945). Collection, 1919-1930, undated
Northcott, Richard A. (1871-1931). Musicians and Composers Collection, ca. 1737-1892
Novak, Lorna (1927-2013). Papers, 1963-1966
Nussey, Ellen (1817-1897). Collection, 1832-1899, undated
Nye, Robert, (1939-2016). Papers, 1911; 1959-1975
O'Brien, Flann (1911-1966). Manuscripts and Criticism, 1937-1989
O'Brien, Tim (1946- ). Papers, 1916-2007
O'Casey, Sean (1880-1964). Collection, 1911-1964
O'Connor, Philip (1916-1998). Collection, 1938-2003 (bulk 1954-1976)
O'Flaherty, Liam (1896-1984). Collection, 1923-1946, undated
Okigbo, Christopher (1932-1967). Papers, 1955-1967
Olds, Elizabeth (1896-1991). Emmett Hudspeth Collection of Elizabeth Olds Papers, 1915-1992 (bulk 1980-1992)
Omar Khayyam (1048-1122). Collection, 1810-2009 (bulk 1892-1930)
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy (1929-1994). Ray Roberts Collection of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 1963-2001
Ondaatje, Michael (1943- ). Collection, 1982-1993
Ondaatje, Michael (1943- ). Papers, 1904-2015 (bulk 1990-2015)
O'Neill, Eugene (1888-1953). Collection, 1918-1960
Orczy, Emmuska, Baroness (1865-1947). Collection, 1903-1947, undated
O'Rell, Max (1848-1903). Collection, 1883-1900
Orioli, Giuseppe (1884-1942). Collection, 1893-1961, undated
Orlovsky, Peter (1933-2010). Papers, 1952-1983
Osborn, Carolyn (1934- ). Papers, 1956-2012
Osborne, John (1929-1994) and Helen Dawson. Papers, 1929-2003
Osborne, John (1929-1994). Bill Duley Collection of John Osborne, 1977-1997
Osborne, John (1929-1994). Collection, 1953-1917
Osborne, John (1929-1994). Papers, 1954-1994
O'Sullivan, Seumas (1879-1958). Collection, 1817-1968, undated
Ouvrage sur les Femmes. Manuscripts, Transcripts, and Research Notes, 1745-1987
Owen, Wilfred (1893-1918). Collection, 1898-1982
Page, Curtis Hidden (1870-1946). Papers, 1886-1946
Paley, Grace (1922-2007). Collection, 1968-1984, undated
Palmer, Herbert Edward (1880-1961). Collection, 1890-1967
Parker, Derek (1932- ). Collection, 1955-1970
Parry, C. Hubert H. (Charles Hubert Hastings) (1848-1918). Collection, 1868-1870
Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895). Collection, 1883-1889, undated
Patchen, Kenneth (1911-1972). Collection, 1929-1978
Pater, Walter (1839-1894). Collection, 1889-1907
Paterson Society circa (1960-1962). Collection, 1959-1967, undated
Patmore, Brigit (1883-1965). Collection, 1915-1965
Patmore, Derek (1908-1972). Collection, 1894-1962, undated
Patterson, Norma. (circa 1889-1991). Papers, 1915-1967
Payne, Leonidas Warren (1873-1945). Collection, 1904-1957, undated
Payne, Robert (1911-1983). Collection, 1918-1969, undated
Pearson, Hesketh (1887-1964). Papers, 1789-2001
PEN. Records, 1912-2008, undated
Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth R. Papers, 1832-1951
Pereda, Prudencio de (1912- ). Papers, 1935-1973
Perry, George Sessions (1910-1956). Collection, 1910-1964, undated
Peter Owen (Firm). Addition to Its Records, 1977-2000
Peter Owen (Firm). Addition to Its Records, 1957-2002 (bulk late 1990s-2000)
Peter Owen (Firm). Records, 1945-1976, undated
Pforzheimer, Carl H. (Carl Howard) (1879-1957) Collection of English Manuscripts, 1485-1844 (bulk 1530-1722), undated
Phillips, Jayne Anne (1952- ). Papers, 1911-2007
Phillpotts, Eden (1862-1960). Collection, 1880-1959, undated
Pinero, Arthur Wing, Sir (1855-1934). Collection, 1872-1931, undated
Pinker, James B. (1863-1922). Collection, 1891-1938, undated
Pinter, Harold (1930-2008). Collection, 1960-1980
Plomer, William (1903-1973). Collection, 1929-1969
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849). Collection, 1766-1974
Pomeranz, Victory. Papers, circa 1970-1990
Porter, Katherine Anne (1890-1980). Collection, 1923-1965
Pound, Ezra (1885-1972). Collection, 1905-1975
Pound, Ezra (1885-1972). Marcella Spann Booth Collection of Ezra Pound, 1886-2007
Powys Family. Collection, circa 1860s-1962, undated
Powys, John Cowper (1872-1963). Collection, 1893-1970, undated
Powys, Llewelyn (1884-1939). Collection, 1895-1972, undated
Powys, Theodore Francis (1875-1953). Collection, 1892-1956, undated
Prescott, Joseph (1913-2001). Papers, 1867, 1903-2000, undated
Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton) (1894-1984). Collection, 1909-1992, undated
Prigogine, Ilya (1917-2003). Papers, 1977-1980
Pritchett, V. S. (Victor Sawdon) (1900-1997). Collection, 1922-1990, undated
Prokosch, Frederic (1908-1989). Collection, 1917-1989 (bulk 1930-1967)
Pudney, John (1909-1977). Papers, 1850-1977
Punin, N. N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich). (1888-1953). Diaries and Correspondence, 1910-1939
Purdy, James (1914-2009). Papers, 1953-1984
Pynchon, Thomas (1937- ). Collection, 1958-circa 1990
Queneau, Raymond (1903-1976). Collection, 1917-1990
Quennell, Peter (1905-1993). Collection, 1925-1973
Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir (1863-1944). Collection, 1890-1942, undated
Raine, Kathleen (1908-2003). Collection, 1964, undated
Ransom, Harry Huntt (1908-1976). Personal Papers, 1895-1983
Ranuzzi Family Manuscripts, circa 1450-1755
Rao, Raja (1908-2006). Papers, 1956-2006
Rattigan, Terence (1911-1977). Collection, 1960-1963
Raynolds, Robert (1902-1965). Papers, 1925-1972
Reade, Charles (1814-1884). Collection, 1851-1872, undated
Reavey, George (1907-1976). Papers, 1914-1976, undated
Recusant Manuscripts. Collection, 1698-1815
Redgrove, Peter (1932-2003). Collection, 1950-1969, undated
Reid, Forrest (1875-1947). Collection, 1905-1957, undated
Remington, Frederic (1861-1909). Collection, 1888-1909
Research in African Literatures Records, circa 1966-1990
Rice, Elmer (1892-1967). Papers, 1909-1967
Richards, Grant (1872-1948). Collection, 1861-1951 (bulk 1892-1947), undated
Richardson, Dorothy M. (Dorothy Miller) (1873-1957). Collection, 1925-1958, undated
Richardson, Joanna (1925-2008). Papers, 1844-1969
Richardson, O. W. (Owen Willans) 1879-1959. Papers, 1898-1958 (bulk 1920-1940)
Riding, Laura (1901-1991). Collection, 1929-1977, undated
Roberts, Lynette (1909-1995). Collection, 1910-1957, undated
Roberts, Warren (1916-1998). Papers, 1903-1985
Robins, Elizabeth (1862-1952). Collection, 1897-1938, undated
Robson-Scott, William Douglas (1903-1980). Papers, 1903-1980
Roché, Henri-Pierre (1879-1959). Carlton Lake Collection of Henri-Pierre Roché Papers, circa 1886-1971
Rodgers, W. R. (William Robert) (1909-1969). Collection, 1940-1960, undated
Rodker, Joan (1915-2015). Papers, 1921-2000
Rodker, John (1894-1955). Papers, 1912-1982
Rogers, Paul Patrick (1900-1989). Collection, 1929-1985
Rohan, Dilkusha, princess de (b. 1899). Correspondence, 1927-1961
Rolfe, Frederick (1860-1913). Collection, 1891-1972, undated
Roose-Evans, James (1927-2022). Collection, circa 1949-1977
Roskolenko, Harry (1907-1980). Papers, circa 1941-1968
Ross, Nancy Wilson (1901-1986). Papers, 1913-1986
Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894). Collection, 1850-1893
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882). Collection, 1829-1947, undated
Rossetti, William Michael (1829-1919). Collection, 1852-1978
Rothenstein, William (1872-1945). Collection, 1918-1943, undated
Rowland, John (1907-1984). Collection, 1931-1957, undated
Rubens, Robert (1937-1998). Papers, 1952-1990
Ruskin, John (1819-1900). Collection, 1845-1960, undated
Russell, George William (1867-1935). Collection, 1897-1961, undated
Russell, Leonard (1906-1974). Letters, 1945-1972
Russell, Ross (1909-2000). Addition to His Papers, 1970s-1999
Russell, Ross (1909-2000). Papers, circa 1920s-1999
Ryan, Patrick. Manuscript for How I Won the War, 1963
Sabatini, Rafael (1875-1950). Papers, 1909-1950
Sackler, Howard (1929-1982). Manuscripts for The Great White Hope, 1967-1969
Sackville-West, Edward, Hon. (1901-1965). Collection, 1922-1948, undated
Saillet, Maurice (1914-1990). Carlton Lake Collection of Maurice Saillet, Sylvia Beach, and Shakespeare and Company, 1917-1976
Salinger, J. D. (Jerome David) (1919-2010). Collection, 1940-1974
Salter, James (1925-2015). Addition to His Papers, 1952-2006
Salter, James (1925-2015). Papers, 1953-2000
Salter, James (1925-2015). Robert Emmett Ginna Collection of James Salter, 1967-2010
Saltzman, Rachelle Hope. Collection of 1926 General Strike Research Materials, 1926-2010
Sandburg, Carl (1878-1967). Collection, 1899-1961
Sanskrit. Collection, 1724-1924 CE, undated
Sansom, William (1912-1976). Collection, 1956-1972, undated
Santayana, George (1863-1952). Collection, 1886-1962, undated
Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967). Collection, 1870-1972, undated
Saunders, James (1925-2004). Papers, 1959-1992
Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) (1893-1957). Collection, 1919-1977, undated
Scannell, Vernon (1922-2007). Alan Benson Collection of Vernon Scannell, 1948-2007
Scannell, Vernon (1922-2007). Collection, 1950-1975, undated
Schauffler, Robert Haven (1879-1964). Correspondence, 1872-1964
Schoenberner, Franz (1892-1970). Correspondence, 1933-1947
Schreiner, Olive (1855-1920). Collection, 1884-1920
Scorpion Press. Collection, circa 1960s
Scott, Evelyn (1893-1963). Collection, 1894-1952.
Scott, Paul (1920-1978). Collection, 1952-1976
Scott, Walter, Sir (1771-1832). Collection, 1815-1839
Scott-James, R. A. (Rolfe Arnold) (1878-1959). Collection, 1895-1959, undated
Scott-Moncrieff, C. K. (Charles Kenneth) (1889-1930). Collection, 1910-1932
Segall, Harry (1897-1975). Papers, 1933-1959
Seidel, Frederick (1936- ). Papers, circa 1936-2019 (bulk 1955-2018)
Sellin, Eric (1933- ). Correspondence Collection, 1954-1999
Selvon, Samuel (1923-1994). Papers, 1946-1975
Sexton, Anne (1928-1974). Papers, 1912-1996
Seymour-Smith, Martin (1928-1998) Collection, 1942-1967, undated
Shahn, Ben (1898-1969). Kenneth W. and Emma-Stina Prescott Collection of Ben Shahn, 1944-1998
Shankman, Bernard (1908-2002). Watergate Papers, 1971-2002 (bulk 1972-1973)
Shattuck, Roger (1923-2005). Collection, 194-2005
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950). Collection, 1757-1963
Sheldon, Charles M. (1857-1946). Collection, 1896-1948
Shelley Family. Documents, 1609-1791
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822). Collection, 1773-1964
Shepard, Sam (1943-2017). Papers, 1965-2009
Shiel, M. P. (Matthew Phipps). (1865-1947). Collection, 1876-1966
Shirley, John Cofer (b. 1858). Collection, circa 1926
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916). Letters, 1893-1907
Sigal, Clancy (1926-2017). Papers, 1800s-2008 (bulk 1956-2007)
Silkin, John (1930-1997). Collection, 1952-1960, undated
Sinclair, Iain (1943- ). Papers, 1882-2009 (bulk 1960s-2008)
Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968) Collection, 1912-1964
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991). Dvorah Telushkin Collection of Isaac Bashevis Singer Papers, 1951-1998
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991). Elizabeth Shub Collection of Isaac Bashevis Singer Papers, 1967-1985
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991). Farrar, Straus & Giroux Collection of Isaac Bashevis Singer Papers, 1925-1997
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991). Gordon J. Weel Collection of Isaac Bashevis Singer Papers, 1953-2004
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991). Papers, 1775, 1923-1994
Sitwell Family. Richard Fifoot Collection of the Sitwell Family, 1919-1962
Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964). Collection, 1904-1964 (bulk 1918-1960)
Sitwell, Georgia Doble (1906-1980). Collection, 1901-1974
Sitwell, Osbert, Sir, (1892-1969). Collection, 1887-1969
Sitwell, Sacheverell (1897-1988). Collection, 1912-1988
Skelton, Robin (1925-1997). Collection, 1953-1962, undated
Skinner, Knute (1929- ). Papers, 1952-1969
Smith, A. C. H. (1935- ). Papers, 1958-2005
Smith, Betty (1896-1972). Collection, 1944-1961, undated
Smith, Ernest William (1864-1935). Papers, 1870-1976
Smith, Harry Bache (1860-1936). Papers, 1773-1935
Smith, Logan Pearsall (1865-1946). Collection, 1890-1947, undated
Society for the Study of Epic and Pastoral Design. Collection, 1808-1851
Solomon, Barbara Probst (1928-2019). Papers, 1948-2012 (bulk 1970-2010)
Southey, Robert (1774-1843). Collection, 1797-1877
Spark, Muriel (1918-2006). Collection, circa 1931-1960
Spell, Jefferson Rea (1886-1967) and Spell, Lota M. (Lota May) (1885-1972). Collection, 1914-1958, undated
Spender, Stephen (1909-1995). Collection, 1925-1995, undated
Spivak, John L. (John Lewis) (1897-1981). Papers, 1929-1948
Squire, John Collings, Sir (1884-1958). Collection, 1902-1952, undated
Stacpoole, Henry De Vere (1863-1951). Collection, 1881-1949, undated
Stanford, Derek (1918-2008). Collection, 1936-1975
Stark, Freya (1893-1993). Collection, 1893-1993 (bulk 1920-1976)
Starr, Frances (1880/1881-1973). Collection, 1885-1965 (bulk 1909-1952)
Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946). Carlton Lake Collection of Gertrude Stein, 1914-1973 (bulk 1946-1967)
Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946). Collection, 1926-1973
Steinbeck, John (1902-1968). Collection, 1926-1977
Stephens, James (1882-1950). Collection, 1882-1948, undated
Stern, Daniel (1928-2007). Papers, 1947-2007
Sternburg, Janet (1943- ). Papers for The Writer on Her Work, 1976-circa 2019
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894). Collection, 1845-1949, undated
Stiehl, Harry (Harry Charles) (1927-2001). Collection, 1951-1968, undated
Stone, Alma (1908-2003). Papers, 1930s-1990s
Stone, Idella Purnell (1901-1982). Personal Papers and Records of Palms, 1922-1960
Stoppard, Tom (1937- ). Papers, 1944-1995
Stoppard, Tom (1937- ). Robert May Collection of Tom Stoppard, 1992-2014
Story Family. Collection, 1732-1934 (bulk 1801-1895), undated
Stott, Cyril. Collection, 1928-1965, undated
Strachey, Lytton (1880-1932). Collection, 1885-1957
Strindberg, August (1849-1912). Collection, 1899-1968
Strong, Leonard Alfred George (1896-1958). Collection, 1916-1958, undated
Sturt, George (1863-1927). Collection, 1893-1927
Styne, Jule (1905-1994). Papers, 1925-1965 (bulk 1950-1964), undated
Sukenick, Ronald (1932-2004). Papers, 1941-1999
Sunwise Turn. The Sunwise Turn/Mary Mowbray-Clarke Papers, 1852-1987
Swenson, May (1913-1989). Collection, 1956-1987
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909). Collection, 1858-1924, undated
Swinnerton, Frank (1884-1982). Collection, 1906-1964, undated
Symonds, John (1914-2006). Collection, 1914-2006
Symons, A. J. A. (Alphonse James Albert) (1900-1941). Collection, 1900-1941, undated
Symons, Arthur (1865-1945). Collection, 1886-1928, undated
Synge, J. M. (John Millington) (1871-1909). Collection, 1906-1961
Tarkington, Booth (1869-1946). Collection, 1905-1949, undated
Tate, James (1943-2015). Papers, 1944-1998 (bulk 1962-1998)
Taylor, A. J. P. (1906-1990). Papers, 1921-1978
Taylor, Kim (1919- ). Papers, 1943-1997
Taylor, Laurette (1884-1946). Papers, 1907-1959
Tchelitchew, Pavel (1898-1957). Collection, 1927-1952, undated
Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933). Collection, 1908-1924, undated
Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron (1809-1892). Collection, 1847-1893, undated
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863). Collection, 1830-1931
Theater Arts Manuscripts. Collection, 1695-1978 (bulk 1801-1978)
Theroux, Alexander (1939- ). Steven Moore Collection of Alexander Theroux, 1964-1995
Thomas, Dylan (1914-1953). Collection, circa 1920s-1991
Thomas, Edward (1878-1917). Collection, 1904-1940, undated
Thompson, Flora (1876-1947). Papers, 1912-1965
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862). Collection, 1835-1907, undated
Tildesley, Cecil James Carpenter (1877-1963). Collection, 1836-1940, undated
Tiller, Terence (1916-1987). Collection, 1948-1961, undated
Tillotson, Geoffrey (1905-1969). Collection, 1933-1963, undated
Times (London, England) (1785- ). Collection, 1820-1960 (bulk 1870s)
Tinker, Edward Larocque (1881-1968). Collection
Tipton, David (1934-2013). Collection, 1966-1994, undated
Tobenkin, Elias (1882-1963). Papers, 1899-1963
Todd, Ruthven (1914-1978). Collection, 1938-1964, undated
Toller, Ernst (1893-1939). Collection, 1927-1935, undated
Tomlinson, Charles (1927-2015). Papers, 1940s-1992
Tomlinson, H. M. (Henry Major) (1873-1958). Collection, 1886-1958, undated
Tonks, Henry (1862-1937). Collection, 1877-1947
Townshend Family. Correspondence, circa 1824-1884
Toynbee, Arnold (1889-1975) and Somervell D. C. (David Churchill) (1885-1965). Manuscript for A Study of History (abridged), 1945
Transcription Centre (circa 1962-1977). Records, 1931-1986 (bulk 1960-1977)
Treece, Henry (1911-1966). Collection, 1930-1964
Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1972). Collection, 1901-1961, undated
Tschiffely, A. E. (Aime Felix) (1895-1964). Collection, 1935-1952, undated
Tuck, Lily (1938- ). Papers, 1956-2020 (bulk 1991-2015)
Turlington, Henry E. (1945-2012). Collection of Cyril Kay-Scott and Evelyn Scott, 1881-1987
Tutuola, Amos (1920-1997). Bernth Lindfors Collection of Amos Tutuola, 1947-2000
Tutuola, Amos (1920-1997). Collection, 1952-1990
Tyler, Parker (1904-1974). Collection, 1910-1982
Tynan, Katharine (1861-1931). Collection, 1887-1961
United States. President. Autographs of the Presidents of the United States from the Hanley Collection, 1796-1936
United States. President.

Autographs of the Presidents of the United States from the Stark Collection, 1783-1913

Unsworth, Barry (1930-2012). Papers, 1965-2007
Unwin, T. Fischer (Thomas Fischer) (1848-1935). Collection, 1851-1925, undated
Uris, Leon (1924-2003). Papers, 1939-1999
Urquhart, Fred (1912-1995). Papers, 1935-1965
Varner, John Grier (1905-1978). Papers, 1798-1978
Vertot, abbé de (1655-1735). Collection, circa 1719
Vidal, Gore (1925-2012). Collection, 1946-1970
Vidyatmananda, Swami (1913-2000). Collection, 1923-1986
Visiak, E. H. (Edward Harold) (1878-1972). Collection, 1922-1962, undated
Vlastos, Gregory (1907-1991). Papers, circa 1930s-1991
Voltaire (1694-1778). Collection, 1742-1780, undated
Wain, John (1925-1994). Collection, 1953-1975, undated
Walker, Emery, Sir (1851-1933). Collection, 1782-1960, undated
Wallace Literary Agency Records, 1974-2005 (bulk 1974-2002)
Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008). Bonnie Nadell Collection of David Foster Wallace, 1980-2008
Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008). Collection, 1988-2010
Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008). David Lipsky Collection of David Foster Wallace, 1990-2010
Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008). JT Jackson Collection of David Foster Wallace, 1985-2010
Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008). Papers, 1971-2008
Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008). Steven Moore Collection of David Foster Wallace, 1987-2010
Wallace, Irving (1916-1990). Collection, 1938-1963, undated
Waller, George. Collection, 1934-1966
Walpole, Hugh (1884-1941). Collection, 1828-1952 (bulk 1899-1941)
Walter, Eugene (1921-1998). Collection, 1948-1998
Ward, Richard Heron. (1910-1969). Papers, 1910-1969
Ward, Thomas Humphry (1845-1926). Collection, 1827-1959, undated
Warner, Rex (1905-1986). Collection, 1927-1961, undated
Wasserman, Barbara Mailer (1927- ). Papers, 1914-2015
Watergate. Collection, 1962-2007
Watkins, Vernon Phillips (1906-1967). Collection, 1939-1968, undated
Watts-Dunton, Theodore (1832-1914). Collection, 1865-1927, undated
Waugh, Alec (1898-1981). Collection, 1892=1970
Waugh, Evelyn (1903-1966). Collection, 1843-1994 (bulk 1910-1966)
Weeks, Edward (1898-1989). Papers, 1912-1989
Weinberg, Steven (1933-2021). Papers, 1933-2021 (bulk 1980-2021)
Weisenthal, Morris (d. 2009). 21 Etchings and Poems Collection, 1955-1962, undated
Welch, Denton (1915-1948). Papers, 1770-2002
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (1769-1852). Collection, 1810-1852, undated
Wells, G. H. (Geoffrey Harry) (1900- ). Collection, 1921-1960, undated
Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) (1866-1946). Collection, 1886-1963, undated
Welty, Eudora (1909-2001). Collection, 1949-1991, undated
Wesker, Arnold (1932-2016). Addition to His Papers, 1958-2001
Wesker, Arnold (1932-2016). Papers, 1925-2000
West, Rebecca (1892-1983). Collection, 1918-1968, undated
Wharton, Edith (1862-1937). Correspondence, 1907-1931
Whistler, James McNeill (1834-1903). Collection, 1867-1903, undated
White, Antonia (1899-1980). Collection, 1912-1969, undated
White, Eric Walter (1905-1985). Papers, 1913-1985, 1987
White, T. H. (Terence Hanbury) (1906-1964). Collection, 1899-1975, undated
Whitham, John Mills (1883-1956). Papers, circa 1921-1954
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892). Collection, 1846-1965
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892). Collection, 1834-1900, undated
Wickham, Anna (1884-1947). Collection, 1936-1939, undated
Wier, Dara (1949- ). Papers, 1975-2006
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900). Collection, 1851-1957
Wilder, Thornton (1897-1975). Collection, 1880-1968
Wilkinson, Louis (1881-1966). Collection, 1916-1960
William A. Bradley Literary Agency. Records, 1909-1982
Williams, Miller (1930-2015). Papers, 1930-2014
Williams, Stanley Thomas (1888-1956). Collection, 1925-1955, undated
Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983). Charles Bowden Collection of Tennessee Williams, 1954-2004
Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983). Collection, 1880-1993
Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983). Kate Medina Collection of Tennessee Williams, 1973-1975, undated
Williams, William Carlos (1883-1963). Collection, 1928-1971
Wilson, Sandy (1924-2014). Papers, 1936-1996
Windsheim and South Germany. Collection, 1500-1749
Winsor, Kathleen (1919-2003). Papers, 1941-1949
Wise, Thomas James (1859-1937). Collection, 1852-1975, undated
Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville) (1881-1975). Collection, 1915-1972
Wolfe, Thomas (1900-1938). Collection, 1917-1961, undated
Wolff, Robert Lee (1915-1980). Collection of 19th Century Fiction, circa 1800s-1984
Wood, Audrey (1905-1985). Papers, 1863; 1900-1984
Woodward, Bob (1943- ) and Carl Bernstein (1944- ). Watergate Papers, 1964-2001
Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941). Collection, 1922-1956
Woolmer, J. Howard (1929- ). Collection of Sebastian Barry and Penelope Fitzgerald, 1978-2014
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850). Collection, 1804-1848, undated
Wren, Robert M. (1928-1989). Africa Papers, 1963; 1968-1989
Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939). Collection, 1872-1970
Yeats-Brown, Francis (1886-1944). Collection, 1905-1954, undated
Young, Stark (1881-1963). Collection, 1901-1963, undated
Zaiser, Sally (1917-1993). Collection of John Howell Books, 1874-1986
Zangwill, Israel (1864-1926). Collection, 1892-1921, undated
Zola, Emile (1840-1902). Collection, 1887-1888, undated
Zukofsky, Louis (1904-1978). Collection, 1910-1985

Performing Arts

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Abeles, Joseph (1906-1991). Studio Collection, 1935-1975
Adler, Stella (1902-1992) and Harold Clurman (1901-1980). Papers, 1898-2003 (bulk 1950-1990)
Aronson, Boris (1900-1980). Scenic Design Papers, 1939-1977
Ashby, Clifford (1925-2015). Papers, 1979-1985, undated
B. J. Simmons & Co. (1857-1964). Costume Design Records, 1878-1969
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923). Collection, circa 1860-1977
Black Crook. Collection, 1853-1929, undated
Brown, John Russell (1923-2015). Papers, 1948-2008
Castor, Chris (1895/6-?). Papers, 1876-2004
Children’s Theater and Theater for Youth. Collection, 1960s-1980s
Circus Collection, circa 1775-1988
Conway, Gordon (1894-1956). Papers, 1864-1986
Crain, W. H. (1917-1998). Costume and Scenic Design Collection, circa 1650-1993
Crain, W. H. (1917-1998). Porcelain Figures Collection, 1970s
Cuevas, George de, marquis (1886-1961). Dance Collection, 1913-1962
Deep Blue Sea. Collection, 1949-1955
Dibdin Family. Papers, 1802-1970
Drury Lane Theater (London, England). Promptbooks Collection, 1718-1787
Evans, Edith (1888-1976). Bryan Forbes Collection of Edith Evans, 1923-2001
Evans, Edith (1888-1976). Henry Hurford Janes Collection of Edith Evans, 1891-1989 (bulk 1940-1976)
Evans, Edith (1888-1976). Papers, 1893-1976
Fehl, Fred. (1906-1995). Dance Collection, 1940-1985
Fehl, Fred. (1906-1995). Theater Collection, 1935-1983
Fostell, Al Emmett (1856-1920). Papers, 1879-1920
Geddes, Norman Bel (1893-1958). Theater and Industrial Design Papers, 1873-1964 (bulk 1914-1958)
German Plays. Collection, circa 1870-1910 (bulk 1875-1900)
Gest, Morris (1881-1942). Collection, 1864-1966 (bulk 1894-1958)
Golby, Bob (b. 1901). Collection, 1931-1977
Hirschfeld, Al (1903-2003). Collection, 1951-1965
Houdini, Harry (1874-1926). Collection, 1906-1933, undated
Houdini, Harry (1874-1926). Papers, circa 1641-1943, undated
Howard, George C. (George Cunnibell) (1815-1887), and Family. Collection, 1833-1963
Ives, Burl (1909-1995). Papers, 1944-1963
Jennings, Coleman A. (1933-2020). Correspondence, 1967-1991
Jones, Joseph (1908-1999). Caribbean Plays Collection, circa 1950s-1960s
Kendall, Messmore (1872-1959). Business Records, circa 1850-1943 (bulk 1921-1924)
Lion, Leon M. (1979-1947). Collection, 1895-1951 (bulk 1904-1940)
Lutyens Bel Geddes, Edith (1907-2002). Papers, 1901-2002
Magic. Collection, 1787-2005, undated
Mann, Charles N. (1839 or 1840-1912). Manuscript for History of the Arch Street Theatre, 1901-1904
Marcus, Stanley (1905-2002). Sicilian Marionettes Collection, circa 1850-circa 1960
Matson, Miles (1912-2012). Joke Collection, circa 1950s-1990s
Mayes, John (1921- 2012). Family Papers, 1879-2004
McManus-Young. Collection, 1949-1959
Minstrel Show. Collection, 1831-1959
Moll, James W. Papers, 1949-1978
Moore, Carl L. and Averyt, Bennett. Collection of Magic, 1925-1962, undated
Morrow, Portia (1899-1982) and Morelza. Papers, 1927-1980
Munsel, Patrice (1925-2016). Collection, circa 1940-1969
Musicians Collection, 1727-1981
O'Donnell, May (1909-2004). Collection, 1930s-1996
Orswell, Culver, Mrs. Opera and Music Collection, 1850-1919, undated
O'Toole, Peter (1932-2013). Papers, circa 1792-2015 (bulk 1953-2015)
Pantomime. Collection, 1793-1977 (bulk 1860-1910)
Pastor, Tony (1837-1908). Collection, 1861-1908 (bulk 1866-1890)
Peffer, Crawford A. (1868-1961). Redpath Lyceum and Chatauqua Collection, 1878-1959
Performing Arts Prints. Collection, 1669-1906
Pillot, Eugene (1886-1966). Collection, 1917-1955
Pitt, Malcolm (1896-1986). Papers, 1924-1947
Playscripts and Promptbooks Collection, 1795-1978
Production Photographs. Collection, circa 1860-1998 (bulk 1900-1965)
Pulling, Christopher. Collection, 1866-1967 (bulk 1894-1937).
Puppetry Collection, 1800s-1980s (bulk 1880s-1950s)
Rehan, Ada, & Augustin Daly Collection, 1884-1899
Rollitts, Sarah. Papers, 1902-1978 (bulk 1942-1975)
Rosi, Giovanni Vittorio (born 1867). Quo Vadis Ballet Collection, circa 1904-1949
Russell, Rhoda Winter (1930-2019). Papers, circa 1932-2010 (bulk 1942-1959)
Russian Theater Production Photographs. Collection, 1920-1967 (bulk 1957-1967)
Samuel French, Inc. (1830- ). Correspondence, 1949
Shawn, Ted (1891-1972). John Willis Collection of Ted Shawn, 1966-1971
Sherzer, Joel (1942- ). Collection, circa 1980-1982
Sousa, John Philip (1854-1932). Collection, circa 1880-1969
Stott, William (1940- ). On Broadway Papers, 1977-1978
Sundgaard, Arnold (1909-2006). Papers, 1938-2004, undated
Sweyd, Lester. Clipping Collection, 1944-1978 (bulk 1967-1978)
Texas Theater. Collection, circa 1900-2008 (bulk 1962-1980)
Theatre 2020. Collection, 2018-2023 (bulk 2020-2021)
Theatrical Designs: From the Baroque through Neoclassicism. Collection, undated
Thompson, Richard D. (1933-2007). Papers, 1953-1972
Todd, Arthur (died 1978). Papers, circa 1946-1978
Two Orphans, The Collection, 1874-1926
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Collection, 1825-1946
Watson, "Sliding" Billy (1876-1939). Collection, 1900-1988
Winter, William (1836-1917). Papers, 1852-1921 (bulk 1876-1916)
Wolfit, Donald (1902-1968). Papers, 1803-1984
Yellow Robe, William S. (1960-1921). Papers, 1988-2019, undated
Yiddish Theater. Collection, 1890-1984 (bulk 1925-1935)
Ziegfeld, Florenz (1867-1932). Collection, 1893-1979
Ziegfeld, Florenz (1867-1932). Photograph Collection, 1888-1975


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Adams, Ansel (1902-1984). Photography Collection, 1929-1960, undated
Adams, Richard Lee (1908-1965). Photography Collection, circa 1900-2014 (bulk 1935-1945)
Aitken, Webster (1908-1981). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Aldington, Richard (1892-1962). Literary File Photography Collection, 1928-1930s
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Literary File Photography Collection, 1895-1983 (bulk 1930s-1960s)
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959). Literary File Photography Collection, mid-19th-mid-20th century
Armitage, Merle (1893-1975). Literary File Photography Collection, 1936-1970, undated
Aronow, Abraham (1940- ). Photography Collection, 1980s-2012
Artinian, Artine (1907-2005). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1860-1955
Ascolini, Vasco (1937- ). Photography Collection, 1986-1988
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh) (1907-1973). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Balieff, Elena (1899-1981). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Bax, Clifford (1886-1962). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1888-1955
Beecher, John and Barbara (1904-1980 and 1925-2016). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Beerbohm, Max, Sir (1872-1956). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1886-1950
Beevers, John Leonard (1911-1975). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1911-1975
Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1890-1950
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923). Literary File Photography Collection, undated
Bibesco, Marthe (1886-1973). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Bowles, Paul (1910-1999). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850s-1950s
Brenan, Gerald (1894-1987). Literary File Photography Collection, 1940-1960
Brett, Dorothy (1883-1977). Literary File Photography Collection, 1920-1960
Bridges, Bill (1925-2003). Photography Collection, 1951-1979
Brontë, Charlotte (1816-1855). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1860s-1910s
Browning Family. Literary File Photography Collection
Buckley, Peter (1925-1997). Papers and Photographs, 1943-2007 (bulk 1950s-1970s)
Caetani, Marguerite (1880-1963). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1920-1965
Callahan, Harry M. (1912-1999). Photography Collection, 1946-1978
Cheyney, Peter (1896-1951). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1930-1950
Chiarenza, Carl (1935- ). Photography Collection, 1955-2000
Church, Richard (1893-1972). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1890s-1960s
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (1835-1910). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850-1950
Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. (Thomas James) (1840-1922). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1880-1933
Coburn, Alvin Langdon (1882-1966). Photography Collection, 1904-1963 (bulk 1904-1913)
Coleridge Family. Literary File Photography Collection, undated
Collins, Wilkie (1824-1889). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850-1900
Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924). Literary File Photography Collection, 1893-1920s
Contemporary Czech Fotofest Exhibition. (1990). Photography Collection, 1990
Cordier, Pierre (1933- ). Photography Collection, 1958-1976
Costain, Thomas B. (Thomas Bertram) (1885-1965). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1885-1965
Coward, Noel (1899-1973). Literary File Photography Collection, 1909-1959
Craig, Edward Gordon (1872-1966). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1890s-1950s
Crowley, Aleister (1875-1947). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1889-1989
Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin) (1894-1962). Literary File Photography Collection, 1918-1958
Cunard, Nancy (1896-1965). Literary File Photography Collection, 1859-1964
Dahlberg, Edward (1900-1977). Literary File Photography Collection, 1910s-1960s
Davenport, Guy (1927-2005). Literary File Photography Collection, 1959-1977 (bulk 1959-1972)
Davis, H. L. (Harold Lenoir) (1896-1960). Literary File Photography Collection, 1934-1959
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850-1950
Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank) (1888-1964). Literary File Photography Collection, 1859-1973
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (1832-1898). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1865-1965
Douglas, Norman (1868-1952). Literary File Photography Collection, 1890-1952
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir (1859-1930). Literary File Photography Collection, 1900-1927
Dujardin, Édouard (1861-1949). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1861-1975
Duncan, David Douglas (1916-2018). Papers and Photography Collection, 1907-2007
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns) (1888-1965). Literary File Photography Collection, 1958-1965
Elisofon, Eliot (1911-1973). Papers and Photography Collection, 1930-1988
Ernst, Morris Leopold (1888-1976). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1910s-1970
Erwitt, Elliott (1928-2023). Photography Collection, 1946-2010
Fairfax, J. Griffyth (James Griffyth) (1886-1976). Literary File Photography Collection, 1893, 20th century
Faulkner, William (1897-1962). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th Century
Fenton, Roger (1819-1869). Photography Collection, 1854-1869
Field, Eugene (1850-1895). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1871-1900
FitzGibbon, Constantine (1919-1984). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Ford, Charles Henri (1913-2002). Literary File Photography Collection, 1931-2000
Foreign Press Service. Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Forester, C. S. (Cecil Scott) (1899-1966). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Frost, Robert (1874-1963). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Gardner, Erle Stanley (1889-1970). Literary File Photography Collection, 1910-1968
Garnett, Richard (1835-1906). Literary File Photography Collection, undated
Garvin, J. L. (James Louis) (1868-1947). Literary File Photography Collection, 1872-1931?
Gawsworth, John (1912-1970). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1865-1952
Gernsheim, Helmut and Alison (1913-1995 and 1911-1969). Collection of Photographic Copy Prints, circa 1900-1950s
Gernsheim, Helmut and Alison (1913-1995 and 1911-1969). Papers and Photography Collection, 1755-1979
Ginsberg, Allen (1926-1997). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Goldbeck, E. O. (Eugene Omar) (1892-1986). Papers and Photography Collection. Banquet Negatives and Prints, circa 1910-1960 (bulk 1910s-1930s)
Goldbeck, E. O. (Eugene Omar) (1892-1986). Papers and Photography Collection. Living Insignia Group Portraits, 1925-1947
Goldbeck, E. O. (Eugene Omar) (1892-1986). Papers and Photography Collection. Non-panoramic Photographic Prints, circa 1900-1980
Good, Frank Mason (1839-1928). Photography Collection, circa 1860-1870
Goyen, William (1915-1983). Literary File Photography Collection, 1947-1955
Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1900-1930s
Granville-Barker, Harley (1877-1946). Literary File Photography Collection, 1868-1932, undated
Grattan, C. Hartley (Clinton Hartley) (1902-1980). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1880-circa 1970
Griffith, Reginald Harvey (1873-1957). Literary File Photography Collection 1896-1953
Hall, Radclyffe (1880-1943). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1880s-1903
Hamilton, Florence (1873-1968). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1896-1968
Hamilton, Gerard (1890-1970). Literary File Photography Collection, 1940s-1960s
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928). Literary File Photography Collection, 1880-1927
Hare, James H. (1856-1946). Papers and Photography Collection, 1880-1940
Hart, William S. (1874-1946). Photography Collection, 1917-1921
Harte, Bret (1836-1902). Literary File Photography Collection, 1880-1927
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961). Literary File Photography Collection, 1896-1956
Henderson, Alice Corbin (1881-1949). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1880-1940
Henry Ford Peace Expedition (1915-1916). Literary File Photography Collection, 1915-1916
Henry, O. (1862-1910). Literary File Photography Collection, 1860s-1914, undated
Hergesheimer, Joseph (1880-1954). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1870s-1950s, undated
Hewlett, Maurice Henry (1861-1923). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-early 20th century
Hill & Adamson (active 1843-1848). Stanfield Album, 1845
Hill & Adamson (active 1843-1848). Photography Collection, circa 1843-1910
Hillyer Family. Photography Collection, late-19th-early-20th century
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889). Literary File Photography Collection, 1856-1871, undated
Howarth, R. G. (Robert Guy) (1906-1974). Literary File Photography Collection, 1906-1974
Hubbard, Elbert (1856-1915). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1904-1915
Hughes, Glenn (1894-1964). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1920s-1960s
Hunter-Rose. Photography Collection, 1850s-1940
Hurst, Fannie (1889-1968). Literary File Photography Collection, 1914-1944
Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963). Literary File Photography Collection, 1930s-1940s, undated
Itinerant Photographer (active 1934). Photography Collection, 1934
Ives, George Cecil (1867-1950). Literary File Photography Collection, 1899-1930, undated
James F. Drake, Inc. Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1880-1950, undated
James, Henry (1843-1916). Literary File Photography Collection, 1901-1969, from photographs taken earlier
Jeffers, Robinson (1887-1962). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1875-1929
John Howell Books. Literary File Photography Collection, 1915-1983 (bulk 1970s-1983)
Johnson, Robert Underwood (1853-1937). Literary File Photography Collection, 1918, undated
Johnson, Walter Willard ("Spud") (1897-1968). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Jones, James (1921-1977). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Joyce, James (1882-1941). Literary File Photography Collection, 1900s-1959
Kar, Ida (1908-1974). Photography Collection, 1953-1964
Keats, John (1795-1821). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Kerensky, Aleksandr Fyodorovich (1881-1970). Literary File Photography Collection, 1882-1970
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1870-1940, undated
Koch, Ferne (1913-2000). Papers and Photography Collection 1931-2000
Kruger, Fania (1892-1977). Literary File Photography Collection, 1950s, undated
La Farge, Oliver (1901-1963). Literary File Photography Collection, 1920s-1930s
Lake, Carlton (1915-2006). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850s-1970s (bulk 1900-1960)
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert) (1885-1930). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1905-1960
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) (1888-1935). Literary File Photography Collection, 1880s-1930s
Lea, Tom (1907-2001). Literary File Photography Collection
Lee, Russell (1903-1986). Photography Collection, 1930s-1966
Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951). Literary File Photography Collection, 1912-1943
Literary Files. Photography Collection, circa 1880s-1960s
Livingston, Arthur (1883-1944). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-first half of 20th century
Locke, William John (1863-1930). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1860-1930
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882). Literary File Photography Collection, 1860s-1870s
Lynes, George Platt (1907-1955). Photography Collection, 1926-1997
Maas, Willard (1911-1971). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1910-circa 1966
Machen, Arthur (1863-1947). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850-circa 1950
Mackenzie, Compton (1883-1972). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1855-1947
Magnum Photos, Inc. (1947- ). Photography Collection, 1929-2004
Mailer, Norman (1923-2007). Literary File Photography Collection, 1960s
Malanga, Gerard (1943- ). Literary File Photography Collection, 1940s-1960s, undated
Mansfield, Katherine (1888-1923). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Marsh, Edward Howard, Sir (1872-1953). Literary File Photography Collection, 1870s-1935, undated
Masefield, John (1878-1967). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Masters, Edgar Lee (1868-1950). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th century-1955
Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) (1874-1965). Literary File Photography Collection, 1870s-1965
McCullers, Carson (1917-1967). Literary File Photography Collection, 1880s-1960s
McCutcheon, George Barr (1866-1928). Literary File Photography Collection, 1840-1928
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene (1925-1972). Photography Collection, 1964-1972
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene (1925-1972). Portfolio Three: The Works of Ralph Eugene Meatyard, 1959-1972; published 1974
Mersfelder, Nick (1858-1939). Photography Collection, 1910s-1920s
Morley, Christopher (1890-1957). Literary File Photography Collection, 1890-1950
Murray, Grover E. (Grover Elmer) (1916-2003). Postcard Photography Collection, circa 1910-1960
Nash, Ogden (1902-1971). Literary File Photography Collection, 1900s-1969, undated
New York Journal-American (1895-1966). Photographic Morgue, 1895-1966
Norman, Charles (1904-1996). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
O'Neill, Eugene (1888-1953). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness (1865-1947). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1900-1945, undated
Palmer, John E. (1891-1964). Photography Collection, circa 1890s-1960s (bulk 1940s-1960s)
Patchen, Kenneth (1911-1972). Literary File Photography Collection, 1940s-1960s, undated
Paterson, Robert Hunter (1907- ). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Patmore, Brigit (1882-1965). Literary File Photography Collection, 1930s, undated
Patmore, Derek (1908-1972). Literary File Photography Collection, 1900-1948, undated
Payne, Robert (1911-1983). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Perry, George Sessions (1910-1956). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Phillpotts, Eden (1862-1960). Literary File Photography Collection, 1870s-1950, undated
Photographic Jewelry and Novelties. Collection, circa 1843-1900
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849). Literary File Photography Collection, 1843?-1859
Pound, Ezra (1885-1972). Literary File Photography Collection, 1900s-1965
Powys, John Cowper (1872-1963). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1900-1957, undated
Powys, Llewelyn (1884-1939). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-early 20th century
Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton) (1894-1984). Literary File Photography Collection, 1890s-1960s, undated
Raynolds, Robert (1902-1965). Literary File Photography Collection, 1920s-1960s
Reavey, George (1907-1976). Literary File Photography Collection, 1938-1970
Richards, Grant (1872-1948). Literary File Photography Collection, 1892-1940
Robertson, Ruth (1905-1998). Papers and Photography Collection, 1910s-1993
Robinson, H. P. (Henry Peach) (1830-1901). Photography Collection, circa 1847-1897
Sandburg, Carl (1878-1967). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Santayana, George (1863-1952). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-20th century
Scott, Evelyn (1893-1963). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Scott-James, R. A. (Rolfe Arnold) (1878-1959). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-20th century
Sexton, Anne (1928-1974). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950). Literary File Photography Collection, 1879-1978
Shiel, M. P. (Matthew Phipps) (1865-1947). Literary File Photography Collection, 1870s-1931, undated
Sindberg, Bernard Arp (1911-1983). Papers and Photography Collection, 1937-1985
Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-mid-20th century
Six by Six. Published series of art photography volumes, 2010-2016
Smithers, W. D. (1895-1981). Photography Collection, 1910-1968
Soth, Alec (1969- ). Photography Collection, 2011-2013
Spivak, John L. (John Louis) (1897-1981). Literary File Photography Collection, 1930-1931
Stark, William H. and Miriam Lutcher (1851-1936 and 1859-1936). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-early 20th century
Steichen, Edward (1879-1973). Photography Collection: Naval Aviation Photographic Unit Photographs, 1942-1945
Steinbeck, John (1902-1968). Literary File Photography Collection, 1930s-1970s
Sullivan, John J. Literary File Photography Collection, ,
Tchelitchew, Pavel (1898-1957). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Thomas, Dylan (1914-1953). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1910s-1950s
Tice, George A. (1938- ). Bodie: Twelve Original Photographs, 1965, 1971
Tice, George A. (1938- ). Peekamoose: Twelve Orginal Photographs, 1971-1972
Tomlinson, H. M. (Henry Major) (1873-1958). Literary File Photography Collection, late 19th-mid 20th century
Trewin, J. C. (John Courtenay) (1908-1990). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Tyler, Parker (1904-1974). Literary File Photography Collection, 1920s-1960s
Umbrico, Penelope (1957- ). Photography Collection, 2015
Van Vechten, Carl (1880-1964). Literary File Photography Collection, 20th century
Walker, Emery (1851-1933). Literary File Photography Collection, 1870s-1930s, undated
Wallace, Irving (1916-1990). Literary File Photography Collection, 1934-1963, undated
Walpole, Hugh (1884-1941). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1880s-1941, undated
Walter, Eugene (1921-1998). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1900-1957, undated
Waugh, Evelyn (1903-1966). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1910-1966
White, T. H. (Terence Hanbury) (1906-1964). Literary File Photography Collection, 1930s-1960s
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1850-1930
Wijk, Walter Emile Van (1887-1961). Literary File Photography Collection, circa 1900-1950
Williams, Frederic Allen (1898-1958). Papers and Photography Collection. Lantern Slides Collection, 1915-1957
Williams, Frederic Allen (1898-1958). Papers and  Photography Collection, 1890s-1955 (bulk 1920-1955)
Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983). Literary File Photography Collection
Wilson, Laura (1939- ). Papers and Photographs, 1979-2004
Wise, Thomas James (1859-1937). Literary File Photography Collection, undated