Each signature may be linked to the others by up to 53 thematic connections. Some are common to many signatures; others highlight unusual, yet notable, associations and interests. Friendships are not represented because so many signers were friends. Go to "The Bohemians" to view and interact with all 53 connections.
This tag is intentionally inclusive; it encompasses reviewers for periodicals and newspapers, as well as writers of book-length works of criticism (whether popular or academic in nature). Henry Seidel Canby wrote of reviewers in the October 1921 issue of The Bookman, “We divide them invidiously into hack reviewers and critics, forgetting that the hack is just a reviewer overworked, and a critic a reviewer with leisure to perform real criticism. A good hack is more useful than a poor critic, and both belong to the same profession as surely as William Shakespeare and the author of a Broadway ‘show.’” Though some of the writers included under this tag wrote criticism to earn money and supplement their creative output, others made it their principal profession. The majority included here wrote on literature, though some also wrote on theater, film, or the visual arts.
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Title: "Thirty Books Suggested for Summer Reading" in The Greenwich Villager
Imprint: 1.1 (9 July 1921)
Item Date: 1921
Material Type: Newspapers
Curatorial Department: Vertical File
Collection Name: Christopher Morley Collection
Stack Location: Box 601, Folder 205
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"Thirty Books Suggested for Summer Reading" in The Greenwich Villager, 1921