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Critic, poet, and professor, Cuthbert Wright (1899?-1948) precociously published a volume of poetry, One Way of Love (1915), at sixteen. Two years later he appeared alongside E. E. Cummings, John Dos Passos, and others in the anthology Eight Harvard Poets (1917). In the 1920s, Wright turned toward criticism and teaching. He contributed book reviews to The Freeman, The Dial, and other little magazines, and in 1926 published a historical study, The Story of the Catholic Church. Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, he was a regular reviewer in the New York Times and Commonweal. Wright spent a significant portion of his life in academia, both as a student and as an instructor. He earned Master of Arts degrees from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, and Laval University in Québec and taught literature at Assumption College, where he was the Head of English and Comparative Literature.
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Creator: Wright, Cuthbert
Title: Typescript of "Byron as Satirist"
Description: With handwritten corrections
Item Date: Undated
Material Type: Manuscript
ADA Caption: Typescript of "Byron as Satirist"
Curatorial Department: Manuscripts Collection
Collection Name: Contempo (Chapel Hill, N.C.) Collection
Stack Location: Miscellaneous: Wright, Cuthbert
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An annotated typescript of Cuthbert Wright's "Byron as Satirist," undated
This typescript draft of Wright's article "Byron as Satirist" comes from the records of Contempo, a little magazine published between 1931 and 1934. The article is full of strong opinion. "The truth about Byron," he writes, "is that he was a great soul who had the bad fortune to be surrounded much of the time by swine."