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Ethel McClellan Plummer (1888-1936) was a Brooklyn-born painter, cartoonist, and illustrator. Her drawings appeared in Life, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Theatre, and other periodicals, including the first issue of the New Yorker. Plummer studied with Robert Henri of the Ashcan school of artists and appeared in his 1910 Exhibition of Independent Artists. During the teens, Plummer was active in the suffragist movement, contributing to the Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture by Women Artists for the Benefit of the Woman Suffrage Campaign (1915). She was well-known in her time and served as vice president of the Society of Illustrators and Artists.
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Creator: Plummer, Ethel McClellan, 1888-1936 (Illustrator)
Title: "After the Ball" in Life
Description: With accompanying text
Imprint: 78.2034 (27 October, 1921): 26
Item Date: 27 October, 1921
Material Type: Serials
ADA Caption: After the Ball
Curatorial Department: Book Collection
Collection Name: Rare Books Collection
Stack Location: q PS 3525 O71 R753
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Ethel Plummer's illustrations for "After the Ball" in Life, October 27, 1921
This satirical piece on women golfers from a 1921 issue of Life magazine offers an example of Plummer's periodical illustrations. Though she is not credited, her signature is visible at the bottom left-hand side of the illustration for "Case No. 2446--Miss Rénée D." During this period, Plummer was married to the artist Norman Jacobsen whose signature appears below hers on the door. Plummer selected to use her maiden name professionally.