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The novelist and New York native Elisabeth Sanxay Holding (1889-1955) published more than twenty-five novels and many short stories over the course of her long career. In the 1920s she published several romance novels, but she was best known for the hardboiled detective fiction she wrote from the 1930s onward. In this genre, she was highly regarded by her peers: Raymond Chandler wrote, "For my money she's the top suspense writer of them all. She doesn't pour it on and make you feel irritated. Her characters are wonderful; and she has a sort of inner calm which I find very attractive." Holding was married to a British diplomat, George Holding, and spent much of her adult life abroad, returning to New York in her later years, when she resided in Greenwich Village.

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Creator: Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay, 1889-1955
Title: Dust jacket for Lady Killer
Description: Dust jacket
Imprint: New York: Triangle Books, 1943
Item Date: 1943
Material Type: Monographs
ADA Caption: Color lobby card for The Reckless Moment
Curatorial Department: Book Collection
Collection Name: Rare Books Collection
Stack Location: PZ 3 H6947 Lad2
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The dust jacket for Elisabeth Sanxay Holding's Lady Killer (New York: Triangle Books, 1943)