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We have found no biographical information about Lewis Jackson, except that which is displayed in the artifact shown here. Two writers used the pseudonym "Lewis Jackson" in the decades surrounding the years of the bookshop: Ladbroke Black, a British writer of historical fiction, and Jack Lewis, an editor who wrote mystery stories. However, we cannot confirm that either participated in the Greenwich Village social scene or might have visited Frank Shay's bookshop in the early 1920s.
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Title: "The Lounger" in the Greenwich Villager
Item Date: 9 July 1921
Material Type: Newspapers
Curatorial Department: Vertical File
Collection Name: Christopher Morley Collection
Stack Location: Box 601, Folder 205
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"The Lounger" in the Greenwich Villager, July 9, 1921
Lewis Jackson's name appears in this gossip column in the newspaper published at Frank Shay's bookshop. We learn that he is a bibliophile and that he has moved to Riverside Drive.